\version "2.20.0" % "PRELUDE Op28 No4" % by Frederic Chopin % % \include "english.ly" \header { % LILYPOND HEADERS title = "Prelude" subtitle = "« Suffocation »" composer = \markup{"Frédéric" \smallCaps "Chopin" "(1810-1849)"} opus = "Op.28, No.4" % MUTOPIA HEADERS mutopiatitle = "Prelude: Op. 28, No. 4 (« Suffocation »)" mutopiacomposer = "ChopinFF" mutopiaopus = "Op. 28" mutopiainstrument = "Piano" mutopiastyle = "Romantic" date = "1838/39" source = "Peters, 1879" style = "Classical" enteredby = "Magnus Lewis-Smith" maintainer = "Magnus Lewis-Smith" maintainerEmail = "mlewissmith@users.sourceforge.net" maintainerWeb = "http://magware.sourceforge.net/" lastupdated = "2016/10/18" %-------Javier Ruiz-Alma license = "Public Domain" %footer = "Mutopia-2016/10/28-468" %copyright = \markup {\override #'(font-name . "DejaVu Sans, Bold") \override #'(baseline-skip . 0) \right-column {\with-url #"http://www.MutopiaProject.org" {\abs-fontsize #9 "Mutopia " \concat {\abs-fontsize #12 \with-color #white \char ##x01C0 \abs-fontsize #9 "Project "}}}\override #'(font-name . "DejaVu Sans, Bold") \override #'(baseline-skip . 0 ) \center-column {\abs-fontsize #11.9 \with-color #grey \bold {\char ##x01C0 \char ##x01C0 }}\override #'(font-name . 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| %% double voice to give hairpin a nicer length fs2.\) a4( | fs2.) \acciaccatura b8 \shpSlurC a4_\( | g!8 fs\stopGroup %\once\override HorizontalBracketText.text = "a’" \<^>-\tweak HorizontalBracketText.text "A’" \startGroup b ds fs\! \tuplet 3/2 {\> b\!} | % 13 - 15 \shpSlurD b2.\p\)\( c4 | b2. c4 | b2. 4 | % 16 - 20 << { b8. 16 as4 } \\ { s16\< s s s s s\! s s } >> \posScriptA \posAccidental gss'4\turn\> fs8. e16\! | %% double voice to give hairpin a nicer length %\once\override Staff.Hairpin.extra-offset = #'(0 . 2.5) e8\f\< ds c' ds,\! \> e g b, | \stemUp d! c \tupletDown \tuplet 3/2 {e e, a\! } fs4._\markup{ \italic "dim." } a8 | \stemNeutral fs2.\p\) \acciaccatura b8 a4\( | fs2.~ fs8.\< e16\! | % 21 - 23 e2._\markup{\italic smorz.}\> fs4 | e2.\! 4 | e2\)\stopGroup r\fermata | % 24 - 25 << { \posScriptB \shpSlurE 2^\(-\hidePP_\ppWhiteOut ds | e1\)\fermata } \\ { \change Staff = "lh" \stemUp \crossStaff { 2 } | 1 } >> \bar "|." } playLH = \relative c' { \clef bass \time 2/2 \key e \minor % 0 \partial 4 r4 | % 1 - 4 8\sustainOn\(-\hidePP 8 8 8 8 8 8\sustainOff 8 | \sustainOn \sustainOff \sustainOn \sustainOff | \sustainOn \sustainOff | \sustainOn \sustainOff | % 5 - 8 \sustainOn \sustainOff | \sustainOn \sustainOff \sustainOn \sustainOff | \sustainOn \sustainOff | \sustainOn \sustainOff | % 9 - 12 | \sustainOn \sustainOff | \sustainOn \sustainOff \sustainOn \sustainOff | 4\) r r2 | % 13 - 16 8\sustainOn\( 8 8 8 8 8 8\sustainOff 8 | \sustainOn \sustainOff \sustainOn \sustainOff | \sustainOn \sustainOff | | % 17 - 20 \)\sustainOn \( \sustainOff | \override Staff.PianoPedalBracket.shorten-pair = #'(0 . -2.0) [ ] a,\sustainOn \sustainOff | \revert Staff.PianoPedalBracket.shorten-pair \sustainOn \sustainOff | \sustainOn \sustainOff \sustainOn \sustainOff | % 21 - 23 \sustainOn \sustainOff | \sustainOn \sustainOff | 2\) r\fermata | % 24 - 25 \relative b,, { \stemDown 2_( | 1)_\fermata | } } superMarks = { \partial 4 s4^\markup{ \center-align \bold\large \raise #1 "Largo" } | \repeat unfold 15 { s1 } \set decrescendoText = \markup { \italic "stretto" } \set decrescendoSpanner = #'text s4 s8^\> s s2 | s4 s s s | s s s\! s | } scoreAll = { \new PianoStaff { \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" << \context Staff = "rh" { % \accidentalStyle modern \accidentalStyle modern-cautionary \override Staff.TextScript.staff-padding = #2 \override Staff.DynamicLineSpanner.staff-padding = #3 % (forced-distance - 6) / 2 \override Staff.Hairpin.minimum-length = #3 << \playRH \superMarks >> } \new FiguredBass { \figuremode { \bassFigureExtendersOn <_>4 <6>8 <6> <6> <6> <6> <6> <6> <6> \bassFigureExtendersOff \bassFigureExtendersOn <_> <_> <_> <_> <6\+> <6\+> <6\+> <6\+> \bassFigureExtendersOff \bassFigureExtendersOn <_> <_> <_> <_> <4 3> <4 3> <2\+> <2\+> <7 _\+> <7 _\+> <7 _\+> <7 _\+> <7 _!> <7 _!> <6\+ 5/> <6\+ 5/> <4 3 > <4 3> <4 3> <4 3> <2> <2> <2> <2> <2> <2> <2> <2> <7/> <7/> <7/> <7/> <7 _\+> <7 _\+> <7 _\+> <7 _\+> <7 _\+> <7 _\+> <7 _\+> <7 _\+> <7 _!> <7 _!> <7 _!> <7 _!> <6 5> <6 5> <4\+ 3> <4\+ 3> <7> <7> <6> <6> <6> <6> <6> <6> <7 5 4> <7 5 4> <7 5 _\+> <7 5 _\+> <4 3> <4 3> <4 3> <4 3> <7 _\+> <7 _\+> <7 _\+> <7 _\+> <4 3> <4 3> <4 3> <4 3> <7 6- _\+> <7 _\+> <7 _\+> <5 _+> <5 _+> <5 _+> <5 _+> <5 _+> <6> <6> <6> <6> <6> <6> <6> <6> <7 4 3> <7 4 3> <7 4 3> <7 4 3> <7- 4\! 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