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Having trouble changing from a4 to letter paper size.

From: Ryan M. Rifkin
Subject: Having trouble changing from a4 to letter paper size.
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 21:09:42 -0500

I'm trying to print out my score on letter paper.  According to the
manual, you have to set papersize at top level.  So not in any braces,
before the \paper block, I have (including the paper block):

papersize = "letter"
\paper {
  indent = 0.0\mm

If I replace the papersize command with


or omit it entirely, the dvi file generated is identical (assuming I
generate them within the same minute --- it appears that the dvi file
have some sort of timestamp based on the minute inside them?)

How do I change the papersize?  Right now, the music is running off
the bottom of my paper.


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