\version "1.4.13" \header { title = "Leit (Cliodhna's Song)" % subtitle = "\center \copyright 2002 David Raleigh Arnold. Demo not for sale. Leit 3pp." composer = "David Raleigh Arnold" poet = "\\large \\textsc {David Raleigh Arnold}" %tagline = "\center \copyright 2002 David Raleigh Arnold. Demo not for sale. Leit 3pp." %footer = "\center \copyright 2002 David Raleigh Arnold. Demo not for sale. Leit 3pp." %copyright = "\center \copyright 2002 David Raleigh Arnold. Demo not for sale. Leit 3pp." } % pt1=notes % pt2=lyrics % pt3=guitartop % pt4=guitarbass % pt5=conga=cgl \include "english.ly" % \include "drumpitch.ly" \paper { papersize = "letter" } \include "paper20.ly" % @s is force-hshift, to revert: \\sr fs = \property Voice.NoteColumn \override #'force-hshift = #-0.55 sr = \property Voice.NoteColumn \revert #'force-hshift ih = \property Voice.NoteHead \override #'transparent = ##t vh = \property Voice.NoteHead \revert #'transparent \score { < \property Score.Stem \override #'thickness = #1.0 \addlyrics { \context Staff = tune \notes { \clef violin \time 6/8 \key g \major \property Staff.instrument = "TinWh." \property Staff.midiInstrument = #"ocarina" \property Staff.transposing = 12 \property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t \transpose c' { %\include "cliodhna-pt1.ly" g'8 b'4 ~ b'4. g'8 b'4 ~ b'4. g'8 b'4 ~ b'4. g'2. g'2. g'2. } } } \context Lyrics \lyrics { %\include "cliodhna-pt2.ly" } \context Staff = guitar < \property Staff.instrument = "Guitar" \property Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (nylon)" % ##### The unison sounds bad, midiInstrument should not be a Staff context % The midi version with separate staves sounds much better, but is stupid % to print. \context Voice = upper \notes { %\property Voice.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (nylon)" \clef "G_8" \time 6/8 \key g \major \stemUp %\include "cliodhna-pt3.ly" \ih g,8 \vh g b g' g b \ih g,8 \vh g b g' g b \ih g,8 \vh g b g' g b b4 b2 b4 b2 b4 b2 } \context Voice = bass \notes { %\property Voice.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (nylon)" \stemDown \dotsDown %\include "cliodhna-pt4.ly" % ####### this makes .ps but ps2pdf fails % If the note were not shifted already with the collision code % perhaps ps2pdf would work. % How do I turn off the collision code without adding another % part, which I have done before but it is not very elegant. \fs g,2. \sr \fs g,2. \sr \fs g,2. \sr g2 g4 g2 g4 g2 g4 } > \context Staff = loconga \notes { % ######## bug. Staff.instrument doesn't work with rhythm staff % does work with regular staff, I jost don't have any notes here. \property Staff.instrument = "Conga" \property Staff.midiInstrument = #"melodic tom" \property Staff.transposing = -12 \clef "percussion" %\include "cliodhna-pt5.ly" } > \paper { pagenumber = no %{################ page numbers take a full 0.5 in off the usable vertical height of every page. *No* music publisher does this, now or ever. It's terrible. Most of them use a single line height tops, like the scan I just sent. Most pages in the same book have the headings on the same line as the page number, so the one I sent is not typical. %} linewidth = 19.0 \cm textheight = 10.0 \in } \midi { \tempo 8=172 } }