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Re: accidentals above the staff?

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: accidentals above the staff?
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 10:31:05 +0200

The trick is to typeset them scripts. Try

c^#'(music "accidentals--1")

To save some typing, you could add definitions like the 
following ones at the top of your file

#(define flat '(music "accidentals--1"))
#(define natural '(music "accidentals-0"))
#(define sharp '(music "accidentals-1"))
#(define cautionarysharp '(columns (music "accidentals-leftparen") 
        (music "accidentals-1") (music "accidentals-rightparen")))
#(define smallsharp '((font-relative-size . -2) (music "accidentals-1")))

and use them as in the following example:

d^#flat e^#cautionarysharp f^#smallsharp


> Is it possible to force typesetting an accidental above the staff,
> instead of on the notes?  On an accidental-by-accidental basis rather
> than for a whole piece.
> This is common in pre-baroque pieces when most accidentals were left out
> of the score because every performer knew what to do; modern editors
> generally restore them and put them above the staff to denote that they
> are editorial (called "musica ficta").
> Thanks,
> karl
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