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Re: endings

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: endings
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 14:25:02 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.1) Gecko/20021003

Paul Scott wrote:
1. How can I do an alternate ending which goes forward somewhere rather than repeats?

For example:

        1st ending  2nd ending  next part  da capo
a b c d a b c d     d c b a     d c b a

play first part, after 1st ending go to next part, go back to beginning, take 2nd ending

I had to look up a copy of "An der Schönen Blauen Donau" at home
to see how this normally is notated. I have attached a file that
illustrates two possible notations. I prefer the first alternative,
at least when the music phrases are like in this example. Note that
you won't get the desired MIDI output. I had to use this clumsy
syntax for the repeats to be able to manually set the text string
used for each alternative ending.

2. How can I have slurs or ties go from the measure before endings go into both endings.

Unfortunately, this isn't supported at the moment. You could probably
get a reasonable layout by adding an invisible note head at the
beginning of the second ending where the slur/tie could start from.


% First possibility:

\score{\notes\relative c'{
  \bar "|:" 
  c d e f | 
  g g g2 
  % Initialize first ending
  \property Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta "1."))
  f4 g e2 | 
  % End the first ending, start the second ending.
  \property Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f) end-repeat (volta "2."))
  f4 e f2 | 
  g1 \bar "||"
  % End the second ending, start the "Fine" ending.
  \property Score.VoltaBracket \override #'font-style = #'large
  \property Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f) end-repeat (volta "Fine"))
  f4 e d2 | 
  c1 \bar "|."
  % End the "Fine" ending.
  \property Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f))
  a'4 g a b |
  c b a g |
  f e d2 |
  c1_#'(lines "D.C." "al Fine") \bar "||"

% Second possibility:
\score{\notes\relative c'{
  \bar "|:" 
  c4 d e f | 
  g g g2 
  % Initialize first ending
  \property Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta "1."))
  f4 g e2 | 
  % End the first ending, start the "Fine" ending.
  \property Score.VoltaBracket \override #'font-style = #'large
  \property Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f) end-repeat (volta "Fine"))
  f4 e d2 | 
  c1 \bar "|."
  % End the "Fine" ending.
  \property Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f))
  f4 e f2 | 
  g1 |
  a4 g a b |
  c b a g |
  f e d2 |
  c1_#'(lines "D.C." "al Fine") \bar "||"

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