% Generated automatically by: lilypond-book.py % options are filename=/var/www/lilypond/src/lilypond-1.6.9/input/template/melody-lyrics-chords.ly printfilename \include "paper16.ly" \paper { linewidth = 433.619940\pt } \header { texidoc = "popsong format: chords, melody and lyrics." title = "Paranoid" composer = "Black Sabbath" } melody = \notes \relative c'' { \key g \major \repeat volta 5 { g'8 g ~ g g ~ g g ~ g g ~ | g e ~ e e ~ e e ~ e4 | d8 d ~ d d ~ d fis ~ fis4 | fis8 e ~ e4 e2 | g8 g ~ g g ~ g g ~ g g ~ | g e ~ e e ~ e e ~ e4 | d8 d ~ d d ~ d fis ~ fis4 | } \alternative { { fis8 e ~ e4 e2 | \break } { fis8 e ~ e4 e2 | g8 g ~ g a ~ a g ~ g4 ~ | r1 | r1 | a8 a ~ a a ~ a a ~ a a ~ | a16 g e8 ~ e4 r2 | r4. g8 ~ g e d e | d1 | r1 | } { fis8 e ~ e4 e2 | } { fis8 e ~ e4 e2 | } { fis8 e ~ e4 e2 | } } } text = \lyrics { < \context LyricsVoice = "duet-1" { \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "1" Finish- ed with my wo- man 'cause she could- n't help me with my mind Peo- ple say I'm in- sane be- cause I am frou- ning all the time. } \context LyricsVoice = "duet-2" { \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "2" All day long I think of things but no- thing seems to sa- tis- fy Think I'll lose my mind if I don't find some- thing to pa- ci- fy. Can you help me oc- cu- py my bra- - in? Oh- - - ye- ah } \context LyricsVoice = "duet-3" { \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "3" I need some- one to show me the things in life that I can't find I can't see the things that make true hap- pi- ness, I must be blind. } \context LyricsVoice = "duet-4" { \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "4" Make a joke and I will sigh and you will laugh and I will cry Hap- pi- ness I can- not feel and love to me is so un- real. } \context LyricsVoice = "duet-5" { \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "5" And so as you hear these words - tell- ing you now of my state I tell you to en- joy life I wish I could but it's too late. } > } accompaniment = \chords { e1:min e1:min d1 d2 e2:min e1:min e1:min d1 d2 e2:min e1:min e1: min d1 d1 e1:min e1:min d1 d1 } \score { < \context ChordNames \accompaniment \addlyrics \context Staff = one { \property Voice.autoBeamSettings \override #'(end * * * *) = #(make-moment 1 32) \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t \property Staff.voltaSpannerDuration = #(make-moment 1 1) \melody } \context Lyrics \text > \paper { } \midi { } }