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beam height etc.

From: David Bobroff
Subject: beam height etc.
Date: 13 Jun 2003 14:07:21 +0000

> Did you consider
> fis8 \grace {\stemDown bes( } ) a,
>    /Mats

Yes, I just found out a short while ago that I needed to put the
\stemDown *inside* the \grace group.

Now I'm trying to get some other problems fixed.  I need to adjust some
stem length on beamed notes but I have not found any examples to study.

In the fragment at the bottom I would like to do some additional things.

1) Force a bracket over the 5-plet.
2) Lengthen the stem/lower the beam on the dis at the end of the 5-plet.
3) Tie that same dis to the fermata quarter note that follows.
4) Put a stem, but no notehead lined up with the rest in the 5-plet.
The definitions for inv and unv work but when I tried to alter them to
get stems but no noteheads Lily choked:

 error: parse error, unexpected SCORE:
     e {

Also, how can I make the dots of dotted notes transparent as well?


David Bobroff

inv = { \property Voice.NoteHead \override #'transparent  = ##t
          \property Voice.Stem \override #'transparent = ##t }
unv = { \property Voice.NoteHead \revert #'transparent
       \property Voice.Stem \revert #'transparent }

%Inv = { \property Voice.NoteHead \override #'transparent  = ##t}
%Unv = { \property Voice.NoteHead \revert #'transparent}

\score {
    \notes \relative c, { 
    \clef F

g16 r e'8---\f ~ e16 c,!8.-- \times 4/5 {b'16-> gis'-> fis'-> <
{\stemDown [\inv d' \unv dis--\<]} ~ \\ { r s } >}  \!dis4\fermata

    \paper { }

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