% "So What" by Miles Davis % arranged by Niki % this attempts to be a "reduced instrumentation" arrangement: % minimum of three saxes and four brass, but in any combination % of alto, tenor, bari, tpt, tbone, as long as the first part is % played by the highest-sounding instrument, etc. % \header { title = "So What"; composer = "by Miles Davis"; arranger = "arranged by Niki"; } \include "english.ly" papersize = "letter" \include "paper20.ly" BrassOneConcertPitch = \context Voice \notes \relative c'' { \key c \major; \time 4/4; \partial 2..; r8 r4 r2 | r2 b4.-mp a8-. | r1 | % Dm7 r2 b4. a8-. | r1 | r2 b4. a8-. | r1 | r2 b4. a8-. | r1 | r2 c4. bf8-. | r1 | % Efm7 r2 c4. bf8-. | r1 | r2 c4. bf8-. | r1 | r2 c4. bf8-. | r1 | r2 b4. a8-. | r1 | % Dm7 r2 b4. a8-. | r1 | r2 b4. a8-. | r1 | r2 b4. a8-. | r2 r8 a-mf a a | % pickups to brass melody section r1 | r2 r8 a g f | % brass melody begins here g8 a r d, ~ d4 r4 | r2 r8 d d f | r8 d r g r d r a' | r d, r b' ~ b c b a | g8-- a-. r d, ~ d4. r8 | r2 r8 d' d d | r1 | r2 r8 d d f | r8 d r8 c r8 d r4 | r2 r8 d, d f ~ | f4. g8 ~ g4. a8 ~ | a8 b c d ~ d d e f ~ | f8 e d c b a r d ~ | d2 r2 | % saxes take over here (to be written) } BrassOneBf = \notes \transpose d' \BrassOneConcertPitch BrassTwoConcertPitch = \context Voice \notes \relative g' { \key c \major; \time 4/4; \partial 2..; r8 r4 r2 | r2 g4.-mp f8-. | r1 | % Dm7 r2 g4. f8-. | r1 | r2 g4. f8-. | r1 | r2 g4. f8-. | r1 | r2 af4. gf8-. | r1 | % Efm7 r2 af4. gf8-. | r1 | r2 af4. gf8-. | r1 | r2 af4. gf8-. | r1 | r2 g4. f8-. | r1 | % Dm7 r2 g4. f8-. | r1 | r2 g4. f8-. | r1 | r2 g4. f8-. | r1 | % pickups to brass melody start here % lower parts rest during first part solo R1*7 | r2 r8 a a a | % just end here until voicings can be worked out } BrassTwoBf = \notes \transpose d' \BrassTwoConcertPitch BrassThreeConcertPitch = \context Voice \notes \relative c' { \key c \major; \time 4/4; \partial 2..; r8 r4 r2 | r2 d4.-mp c8-. | r1 | % Dm7 r2 d4. c8-. | r1 | r2 d4. c8-. | r1 | r2 d4. c8-. | r1 | r2 ef4. df8-. | r1 | % Efm7 r2 ef4. df8-. | r1 | r2 ef4. df8-. | r1 | r2 ef4. df8-. | r1 | r2 d4. c8-. | r1 | % Dm7 r2 d4. c8-. | r1 | r2 d4. c8-. | r1 | r2 d4. c8-. | r1 | % first part has pickups to melody here R1*7 | r2 r8 f f f | % fill in more voicings later } BrassThreeBf = \notes \transpose d' \BrassThreeConcertPitch % null transpose for the trombone BrassThreeTBone = \notes \transpose c' \BrassThreeConcertPitch BrassFourConcertPitch = \context Voice \notes \relative c { \key c \major; \time 4/4; \partial 2..; r8 r4 r2 | r2 e4.-mp d8-. | r1 | % Dm7 r2 e4. d8-. | r1 | r2 e4. d8-. | r1 | r2 e4. d8-. | r1 | r2 f4. ef8-. | r1 | % Efm7 r2 f4. ef8-. | r1 | r2 f4. ef8-. | r1 | r2 f4. ef8-. | r1 | r2 e4. d8-. | r1 | % Dm7 r2 e4. d8-. | r1 | r2 e4. d8-. | r1 | r2 e4. d8-. | r1 | % first part has pickups to melody section here R1*7 | r2 r8 d' d d | % stop here for now } % null transpose for tbone BrassFourTBone = \notes \transpose c' \BrassFourConcertPitch %%% "condensed" score showing all parts for each section on one staff \score { \context Staff="all_brass_staff" { \property Staff.instrument = "Brass" \property Staff.instr = "Brass" \property Staff.midiInstrument = "trumpet" \clef treble; % \brass < \BrassOneConcertPitch \BrassTwoConcertPitch \BrassThreeConcertPitch \BrassFourConcertPitch > } \paper { linewidth = \hsize - 2.0 \in; papersize = "letter"; } % \midi { \tempo 4 = 120; } } %% "score" blocks for individual parts % how will we get page breaks and titling for each part? \score { \context Staff="brass1_bf_staff" { \property Staff.midiInstrument = "trumpet" \clef treble; \property Staff.transposing = #-2 \BrassOneBf } \paper { linewidth = \hsize - 2.0 \in; papersize = "letter"; } } \score { \context Staff="brass2_bf_staff" { \property Staff.midiInstrument = "trumpet" \clef treble; \property Staff.transposing = #-2 \BrassTwoBf } \paper { linewidth = \hsize - 2.0 \in; papersize = "letter"; } } \score { \context Staff="brass3_tbone_staff" { \property Staff.midiInstrument = "trombone" \clef bass; \property Staff.transposing = #0 \BrassThreeTBone } \paper { linewidth = \hsize - 2.0 \in; papersize = "letter"; } } \score { \context Staff="brass4_tbone_staff" { \property Staff.midiInstrument = "trombone" \clef bass; \property Staff.transposing = #0 \BrassFourTBone } \paper { linewidth = \hsize - 2.0 \in; papersize = "letter"; } }