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Re: Chord tremolos

From: Graham Percival
Subject: Re: Chord tremolos
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 01:33:14 -0700

On Thu, 07 Aug 2003 21:59:19 +0100
Chris Jackson <address@hidden> wrote:
> In the following example, why do the unfolded repeats fit into the first two
> bars, but I get "barcheck failed" errors for the third and fourth bars with
> tremolo repeats?  (18+6)*2 / 32 = 12/8 ?

Lilypond is treating the "tremolo" stuff differently than the "unfold"s.  Try
your file without the barline checks to see the difference.
(I don't know offhand if this is correct behaviour or not; refer to the refman
and send another query if you think it's wrong)

  \context Voice \notes \relative c {
     \time 12/8
     \repeat "unfold" 18 { c'32 f32 } \repeat "unfold" 6 { b32 e32 } 
     \repeat "unfold" 18 { c,32 f32 } \repeat "unfold" 6 { b32 e32 } 
     \repeat "tremolo" 18 { c,32 f32 } \repeat "tremolo" 6 { b32 e32 } 
     \repeat "tremolo" 18 { c,32 f32 } \repeat "tremolo" 6 { b32 e32 } 

- Graham

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