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More Merging Two Notes & Triplets

From: Will Oram
Subject: More Merging Two Notes & Triplets
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2003 17:16:37 -0400

Hi -- sorry to bother y'all again.

While looking through the manual for something else, I came upon the tweak
\property Staff.NoteCollision \override #'merge-differently-dotted = ##t
to accomplish this concept:

 |     |
*  *  *

You can see an example of what I'm aiming for in -- check the last beat of the last bar.

I tried this tweak and it didn't do anything. Perhaps I didn't place it in the right spot?


On another note (groan):

I'm trying to remove 3s from under triplets midway through a score, once you get the idea that they're triplets. I hear \property Voice.tupletInvisible = ##t and \property Voice.TupletBracket \override #'tuplet-number-visibility = ##f are supposed to do the job, but when I place this inside a block of music, only half the target tuplets have their numbers removed.

This can be observed again in -- in the bass line, the first three tuplets are fine, and then the 3s return. The treble line is similar.

Suggestions? Thanks.

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