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Re: NoteHead [WAS:] xdvi watch

From: donald_j_axel
Subject: Re: NoteHead [WAS:] xdvi watch
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 13:12:01 +0100

On Sun, 21 Dec 2003 04:56:39 +0100
Ferenc Wagner <address@hidden> wrote:

Donald asked:  [... would very much appreciate ]
> > help on how to skew noteheads from the vertical axis in 
> > pianomusic with complicated inner voicings.
> In chords, ie. between < > noteheads should be put on
> opposite sides of the stem in such a case.  Otherwise you
> can use \voiceOne ... Four for different stem directions and
> horizontal offsets.  See 'Polyphony' in the manual.  

I started out with four voices. The piece is actually a beautiful
demonstration of voicing in Chopin's style. Recently I have only
seen ed. Peters way of laying out voices but I suspect Chopin
wrote it like that.

> If these are not enough, you can still \set extra-offset to
> your liking, see 'Constructing a tweak' and 'Tuning objects'.
> > Can I attach the source (and a .ps) file?
> Source is OK, ps is generally too big.  You can attach a
> small .png or provide a download link.

Ok! Thank you for your answer. I did try to put the clashing notes
in <chord> angles, but the skew is the wrong way no matter what I
do (because of basic formating rule).

Using  \once \property Voice.NoteHead \set #'extra-offset = #'(
0.8 .  0.0) leaves the formating engine unaware of the notehead
(as documented) I though I had docs on-line locally but I cant
follow links to NoteSpacing, sorry (Faulty/incomplete installation.)

Either I could find out whether there is a StemPosition
extra-offset thing, or maybe I am stuck here and need to do some
magic with tranparent notes, I cannot yet judge.

source attached. Bars in question:,1-b17-v12.png
or smaller,1-b17-v12x.png

I should add that part of the magic in this music is the rythmical
drive acquired by changing from trioles to pentoles, 
from    6  against 4       
to      5  against 4. 

So it is not a beginners mistake that notations is complicated
(taken from ed.Peters). There may be other satisfactory ways of
notation, though.

Regards from Donald
donald_j_axel(at) --

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