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Re: Dynamics: cresc not correctly typesetted

From: donald_j_axel
Subject: Re: Dynamics: cresc not correctly typesetted
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 01:16:42 +0100

On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 19:29:45 +0000
Alberto Manuel Brandao Simoes <address@hidden> wrote:

> primoTrioDynamics = \notes {
>     s1\p s1 s1 s4 s8\< s2 s8\! s1\f
>     s1 s1 s1
>     s16\p s16_\markup\bold\italic{dolce} s8 s2.
>     s1 s1 s1 \cresc s1 s4 \endcresc s8\< s2 s8\! s1\f s1_\markup{Da Capo al 
> fine}
> }

I have tried it out. If I have

primoTrioDynamics = \notes {
    \context Voice {
    s1\p s1 s1 s4 s8\< s2 s8\! s1\f
    s1 s1 s1
    s16\p s16_\markup\bold\italic{dolce} s8 s2.
    s1 s1
    %% original notes
    %%    s1\cresc s1 s4\endcresc s8\< s2 s8\! s1\f s1_\markup{Da Capo al fine}

         \once \property Voice.crescendoText = \markup { \italic "cresc. poco" }
         \once \property Voice.crescendoSpanner = #'dashed-line
          s1\< s1 s4\! s8\< s2 s8\! s1\f s1_\markup{Da Capo al fine}

I get a new third staff, which has the desired markings, though.

If I remove the lines 

     \context Voice {

and the matching end-brace


then I get no extra staff but the text marking will not be used and we
end up with crescendo angles as you have tried to explain.

So to me it seems that the \context Voice is the keyword here.

There could be a middle solution having the dynamics on one of the
staff voices. 

Whether this is a critical syntax issue because one must be able
to have a dynamics line without staff I do not know.

I do not know what the rules are for separate \notes blocks
without \context Voice blocks, there must be something about
blocks in the docs.

It is a lovely little piece you have set.

donald_j_axel(at) --

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