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Re: Adjusting spacing between stanzas

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Adjusting spacing between stanzas
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 12:14:11 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113

I hope that
answers your questions. See also
Probably, you want to adjust the minimumVerticalExtent in the Lyrics
context, not in the Staff context.
(Note that things have changed between version 2.0.x and 2.1.21 or
later. In the stable version, there was a Lyrics context that could
contain several LyricsVoice contexts and the property could be set
separately for each LyricsVoice. In the development version, the old
Lyrics context has been dropped and the old LyricsVoice context has
been renamed to Lyrics :-). )


address@hidden wrote:

I'm trying to reduce the spacing between stanzas and having trouble.  I've 
tried 2.0 and 2.1.24.

I've tried overriding #'extra-offset and that will move the stanzas together 
but will not recover the unusused space.

I've tried setting #'extra-Y-extent to negative values but this has no effect.

Help.  I am engraving a work with a number of verses and want to keep the 
staves from getting too far apart.




\paper { papersize="letter"  }
#(set-global-staff-size 20)

\header {
    title = "2.  I Can Trust Him"
        composer = "Ira B. Wilson."
        poet = "Mabel J. Rosemon."

        mutopiatitle = "I Can Trust Him"
        mutopiacomposer = "Wilson, I. B."

        copyright = "Copyright 1913 by Lorenz Publishing Co (Expired)"
        maintainer = "Steve Dunlop"
        maintainerweb = ""
%       instrument = "Vocal (TTBB)"
        style = "Gospel quartet"
        source = "Lorenz & Wilson, Men's Gospel Quartets (1913)"
        lastupdated = "2004/2/23"

\version "2.0.1"

VerseAWords = \lyrics {
        Tho' the days are dark and drea- ry, And my path is rough and wea- ry
%       _ _ _ _ _ _ _
        I can trust Him thro' it all;
        Tho' with soul- dis- turb- ing pow- er, Tri- als come and storm- clouds 
low- er


VerseBWords = \lyrics { Tho' with snares my path be- set- ting, Sa- tan comes, my spir- it fret- ting,
%       _ _ _ _ _ _ _
        I can trust Him thro' it all;
        Dan- gers tick my soul a- larm- ing, Fears my cour- age weak dis- arm- 

VerseCWords = \lyrics {
        So with Christ in fath a- bid- ing, And to Him my all con- fid- ing,
        I can trust Him thro' it all;
        All my doubts to Him con- fes- sing, Ask- ing for his gra- cious bless- 
I can trust Him thro' it all I can trust Him, ful- ly trust Him, For I know He cares for me; I will trust Him, sweet- ly trust Him, Then my life will hap- py hap- py be }

tenhiWords = \lyrics {
                        { \markup \italic "Hum" } - I can trust Him thro' it 
all; Hum -  I can trust Him thro' it all
                        I can trust Him, ful- ly trust Him, For I know He cares 
for me; I will trust Him, sweet- ly trust Him,
                        Then my life will hap- py hap- py be

tenloWords = \lyrics {
        { \markup \italic "Hum" } - I can trust Him I can trust Him thro' it 
all; Hum -
        I can trust Him thro' it all I can trust Him, ful- ly trust Him, For I 
know He cares for me; I will trust Him,
        sweet- ly trust Him, Then my life will hap- py be

tenhiMusic = \notes {
        \key bes \major
        \partial 4
        r4^\markup { \italic "(Melody of stanza in 1st Bass.)" }
        d'1 ~ d'2( ees'4) s4 s4 ees'8 ees'8 ees'8 ees'8 ees'8 ees'8 d'2. s4
        d'1 ~ d'4( f'4)( f'4) s4
        s4 e'8 e'8 e'8 e'8 e'8 e'8 f'4( e'4 ees'4\fermata) r4^\markup { C 
\small HORUS. } r4 d'8 d'8 d'8 d'8 r4 r4
        ees'8 ees'8 ees'8 ees'8 s4 ees'4 ees'4 ees'4 ees'4 d'4 d'4 ees'4 r4
        r4 d'8 d'8 d'8 d'8 c'8 bes8 f'2 e4\fermata d'8 c'8 d'4 f'4 d'8 ees'4. 
d'8 ees'4. d'4\fermata
        \bar "|."

tenloMusic = \notes  {
        \partial 4
        s4 bes1 ~ bes2( a4 ) r4 r4 c'8 c'8 c'8 c'8 a8 a8 bes8 a8 c'8 bes8 f4 r4
        bes1 ~ bes4( d'4)(c'4) r4 r4 bes8 bes8 bes8 bes8 bes8 c'8 c'2. d'8 bes8 
g4 f2 d'8 bes8
        g4 f2 r4 f4 g4 a4 c'4 bes8( a8) g8( gis8) a4 d'8 bes8
        g4 f2 a8 bes8 bes4( b4) c4 b?8 c'8 f4 d'4 bes8 c'4. bes2 ~ bes4
        \bar "|."

bariMusic = \notes {
        \key bes \major
        \partial 4
        d8 es8 | f8 f8 g8 a8 g8 f8 d8 ees8 | f8 f8 g8 a8 g8 f8
        f8 g8 | a4 a2 c8 g8 | f2 ~ f4 d8 ees8 |
        f8 f8 g8 a8 g8 f8 d8 ees8 | f8 g8 a8 bes8 bes8 aes8 g8 f8 |
        e4 c'2 g8 gis8 | a4( bes4 a4) r4 | r4 bes8 bes8 bes8 bes8 r4
        | r4 a8 a8 a8 a8 f8 g8 | a4 bes4 c'4 a4 | f2 ~ f4 r4 |
        r4 bes8 bes8 bes8 bes8 f8 f8 | f4( g4) g4\fermata g8 g8 | bes4 bes4 
bes8 a4. | f8 g4. f4\fermata
        \bar "|."

bassMusic = \notes {
        \key bes \major
\partial 4
%       r4 bes,1_ Hum ~ bes,2( c4)
%       r4 r4 f8_ I f8_ can f8_ trust f8_ Him f8_ "thro'" f8_ it bes,2_ all ~ 
bes,4 r4
%       bes,1_ Hum ~ bes,2( c4) r4 r4
%       c8_ I c8_ can c8_ trust c8_ him c8_ "thro'" c8_ it f4_ all ( g4 f4) r4 
%       bes,8_ I bes,8_ can bes,8_ trust bes,8_ him r4
%       r4 c8_ "ful-" c8_ ly c8_ trust c8_ Him r4 f4_ For f4_ I f4_ know f4_ He 
bes,4_ cares b,4_ for c4_ me r4

        r4 bes,1 ~ bes,2( c4)
        r4 r4 f8 f8 f8 f8 f8 f8 bes,2 ~ bes,4 r4
        bes,1 ~ bes,2( c4) r4 r4
        c8 c8 c8 c8 c8 c8 f4 ( g4 f4) r4 r4
        bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 r4
        r4 c8 c8 c8 c8 r4 f4 f4 f4 f4 bes,4 b,4 c4 r4

        r4 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8 bes,8  e8 d8 d2 c4
        d8 ees8 f4 f4 f8 f4. bes,2 ~ bes,4

%       r4 bes,8_ I bes,8_ will bes,8_ trust bes,8_ him  e8_ "sweet-" d8_ ly 
d2_ trust c4_ him
%       d8_ Then ees8_ my f4_ life f4_  will f8_ "hap-" f4._ py bes,2_ be ~ 

        \bar "|."

\score {
        \context ChoirStaff
                \override Score.LyricText #'font-magnification = #'1.05
                \override Score.BarNumber #'font-magnification = #'1.10
                \override Score.LyricText #'font-name = #"pncr8r"
                \override Score.BarNumber #'font-name = #"pncr8r"

                \override Score.BarNumber #'extra-offset = #'( 1 . 1 )  % so 
bar numbers don't hit staff

                \context Lyrics = "VA-1"

                \context Staff = hivoice \context Voice = "VA" {
                        \clef "treble_8" \voiceOne \autoBeamOff \tenhiMusic

                \lyricsto "VA" \lyrics \context Lyrics = "VA-1" { \set Lyrics . stanza = 
"1st Tenor. " \tenhiWords }

                \context Staff = hivoice \addlyrics \context Voice = "VB" {
                        \voiceTwo \autoBeamOff \tenloMusic
                \lyricsto "VB" \context Lyrics = "VB-1" { \set Lyrics . stanza = 
"2nd Tenor. " \tenloWords }

                \context Lyrics = "VC-1"
                \context Lyrics = "VC-2"
                \context Lyrics = "VC-3"

                \context Staff = lovoice \addlyrics \context Voice = "VC" { 
\clef bass \voiceOne \autoBeamOff \bariMusic }

                \lyricsto "VC" \context Lyrics = "VC-1" { \override LyricText 
#'extra-offset = #'( 0 . 1 ) \set Lyrics . stanza = "Baritone 1. " \VerseAWords }
                \lyricsto "VC" \context Lyrics = "VC-2" { \override LyricText 
#'extra-offset = #'( 0 . 2 ) \set Lyrics . stanza = "Baritone 2. " \VerseBWords }
                \lyricsto "VC" \context Lyrics = "VC-3" { \override LyricText 
#'extra-offset = #'( 0 . 3 ) \set Lyrics . stanza = "Baritone 3. " \VerseCWords }

                \context Staff = lovoice \context Voice = "VD" { \voiceTwo 
\autoBeamOff \bassMusic }

                \lyricsto "VD" \context Lyrics = "VD" { \set Lyrics. stanza = "Bass. 
" \tenhiWords }

        \paper {
                \translator {
% a little smaller so lyrics can be closer to the staff. \StaffContext minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-2 . 2) }

\midi { \tempo 4 = 92 }


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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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