\include "deutsch.ly" \version "2.1.20" % Use Breitkopf & Härtel's arrangement for a dotted stem-down note running % into a stem-up chord if the single note can't be placed vertically in line % with the chord. See measures 13, beat 2 for an example. bh = { \once \property Voice.NoteColumn \override #'force-hshift = #1.7 } treble = \notes \relative c' { \key d \minor << {8-^ s8} \\ {g8. f16} >> << 4-^ \\ {\bh g8. b16} >> << {s8. 16-|} \\ {a8. g16} >> } bass = \notes \relative c' { \key d \minor << {8 s 4 s8. 16-|} \\ {g'8. f16 \bh g8. b16 a8. g16} >> } \score { \context PianoStaff << \time 3/4 \context Staff = treble << \context Voice = one { \treble } >> \context Staff = bass << \clef bass \context Voice = one { \bass } >> >> \paper { indent = 0\mm raggedright = ##t } }