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Re: senza mizura

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: senza mizura
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 13:49:27 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113

Ruud van Silfhout wrote:

In the piece of music below a part of the music is without measures (senza
misura). When the senza misura part finishes, it is common AFAIK to first show the
time-signature again.
How do I force to re display the \time 3/4 ?

Just add a new \time command!

> Furthermore I want the lyric
extender and the end of the
text to extend to the last note. I know I can do that with lyricsto, but
I did not manage to get that working.
So, can anyone modify the music such that it will produce the lyric extender

I have changed a couple of lines in your example below.


lily 2.1.18

\include ""
  \score {
      \context Voice = one \notes \relative c' {
\property Staff.TimeSignature = \turnOff \key a \major \time 3/4 \partial 4 \autoBeamOff
b8^\markup { \italic "senza misura"} cis e[ fis e] fis4 \divisioMinima d8 fis \bar "empty" \break a4( a fis8) a8([ b a] gis4) a8([ b a] fis4 d) \divisioMinima \bar "empty" \break d8([ fis] a4) b8([ cis a] fis) \divisioMinima gis4( b gis b8[ a] gis[ a] e4) \bar "empty" \break fis4( e8) g4( e8) g8[ fis] e[ fis] d4^\fermata \cadenzaOff \bar "||"
 \mark \markup{ \italic "(neurien)"}
         \time 3/4 r4 |
         R1*3/4*3 r2
       \lyricsto one \context Lyrics \lyrics {
         is ge -- stor -- ven als een slaaf __ ""

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