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slight problem with Quatre Mains

From: Thorkil Wolvendans
Subject: slight problem with Quatre Mains
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 03:52:20 +0200

Hi group!

Lily allows us to engrave music for two pianos, correct? I believe I did everything correct to make lily print two piano staves, but instead of showing 2 piano staves, it only shows piano staff 2. I must have made a silly mistake, but I can't find it.
Could someone be so kind as to look at my thingy, and tell me what I did wrong?
Thank you in advance!


===my input===

\version "2.2.0"

\include ""

%%% PIANO I %%%
timei = \notes {
        \set Score.barAlways = ##t
        \set Score.defaultBarType = ":|:"
  \time 4/16

upi = \notes \relative c'' {
\clef "G_8"

lowi = \notes \relative c {
\clef bass

%%% PIANO II %%%
timeii = \notes {
        \set Score.barAlways = ##t
        \set Score.defaultBarType = ":|:"
  \time 4/16

upii = \notes \relative c'' {
\clef "G^8"

lowii = \notes \relative c {
\clef bass

\score {
\context StaffGroup = pianos <<
  \context PianoStaff <<
      \set PianoStaff.instrument = "Piano I  "
    \context Staff = upper \upi \timei
    \context Staff = lower \lowi \timei
  \context PianoStaff <<
      \set PianoStaff.instrument = "Piano II  "
    \context Staff = upper \upii \timeii
    \context Staff = lower \lowii \timeii

 \paper {
   raggedright = ##t
  \context {
   \remove "Timing_engraver"
  \context {
   \consists "Timing_engraver"
===end of my input ===

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