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Re: Réf. : Re: figured bass

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Réf. : Re: figured bass
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 17:00:49 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113

I can't see any figured bass in this example (nor do I get any
extra staves when I compile it).

Regarding your problem with false durations in the manuscript;
if you really want to keep them in the printed output, you can still
"correct" them in the eyes of LilyPond, to make it easier to
synchronize between the different parts and get bar lines in the
correct position. For example, if the manuscript prints c2 where there
should be a c4, just add c2*1/2 in the LilyPond input, which results in
a printed output like c2 but internal duration of half that, i.e. a
quarter note.


LEGRAND Jean-Marc wrote:
Here is my score :

a first staff for the viol, and a second one for the ficured bass. I've used 
the \property
Score.timing = ##f to avoid any pb with measure spacing (lots of false duration 
in the original)

\score {
          << \new Staff {
          \property Score.timing = ##f
                \time 2/2
          \key c \major
                \clef "petrucci_c3"
                \relative c' {
          r4 c d4. e8 \bar"|"
          a,2. gis4 \bar"|"
          \appoggiatura {gis16 [a]} b2 r4 e, \bar"|"
          a2. \stemUp \appoggiatura {g16} fis4 \bar"|"
          \stemUp \appoggiatura {fis16} gis2\stopped a4. b8 \bar"|"
          c2 (b4.) \breathe a8 } \bar"|"
          \clef F {\stemUp a4.} \stemBoth \clef "petrucci_c3" \relative c' {e8 e4 g 
          a,4. f'8 f4 a \bar"|"
          b,2 g'4. (f16 [e d]) \bar"|"
          \stemUp e2 \stopped \grace {\stemDown \slurUp f32 ([e d e]} \stemDown 
e4. \breathe d8)
          \stemUp e2 (d4.) c16 ([b c]) \bar"|"
          c2 \stemBoth e2 \bar "|"
          \stemDown \grace {\stemDown \slurUp d16 (} cis2. b8) cis \bar "|"
          \stemUp d4.\stopped \stemDown e8 ([d c b a]) \stemBoth \bar "|"
          gis!2 \breathe \stemUp a4. (b32 [a b c]) \bar "|"
          b2 \breathe r \bar"|"
          r4 c d4. e8 \bar"|"
          a,2. gis!4 \bar"|"
          \appoggiatura {gis!16 [a]} b2 s4 e, \bar"|"
          a2. \stemUp r16 a ([g fis]) \bar"|"
          \grace {fis16(} gis2 \stopped \grace {a32 [gis! fis! gis!])} \stemUp a4. b8 
          c2 (b4.) \breathe a8 \bar"|"}
          \clef F {\stemUp a1
          \bar "|."


          \new Staff {
          \time 2/2
          \key c \major
                    \clef F
          \relative c {
          a2.  g4
          e2  d'
          b2 c4 d
          e2 e,
          a a'4 e
          f2 d4 d,
          g2 b s16
          c2 f,
          g1 s16
          c,2 c'
          f2. d4
          e2 a,
          e4. e'8 e ([d]) c ([b])
          a2. g4
          e2 d'
          b2 c4 d
          e2 e,

          \header { piece="1. Prélude le Soligny"}
          \paper { orientation = landscape}
          \midi { \tempo 2=60}

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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