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Re: problems with lilypond book after upgrading to 2.2.2

From: Joe Neeman
Subject: Re: problems with lilypond book after upgrading to 2.2.2
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 18:58:50 +1000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.6 (X11/20040617)

Ben Crowell wrote:

I recently upgraded to lilypond 2.2.2 from 2.0, and am having lots and lots
of problems with recompiling a book I wrote using lilypond-book
( I'd appreciate
any help from people on the list with getting it working again.

I had been using the following script (in a makefile) to compile the book:
       lilypond-book --default-music-fontsize=16 --include=melodies sight.tex
       latex sight.latex
       makeindex sight.idx
       latex sight.latex
       dvips -q -Ppdf -u sight
       gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="sight.pdf" -c 
.setpdfwrite - <


 1. The first line now gives an error because of the default-music-fontsize 
option; has
 some equivalent mechanism been substituted for this?

 2. The first line used to read sight.tex as input and write sight.latex as 
output. Now
 lilypond-book dies, saying that this would result in overwriting its own input 
file, and
 that I should use the --output option. I've done that, but I'm not clear on 
why the output
 file would now be sight.tex rather than there something I'm 
not understanding

 3. I used to use this
   \property Score.barNumberVisibility = #(every-nth-bar-number-visible 999)
 to eliminate bar numbering, but now it causes an error. Is there some 
different mechanism for
 this now?

 5. My book has about 300 short pieces of music in it, of which an example is 
   \context RhythmicStaff {
    \time 4/4
c4 c c c | c c c2 | c4 c c c | c c c2 \bar "||"
 This now generates the following warnings:
   lilypond-book: warning: deprecated ly-option used: 20pt
   lilypond-book: warning: compatibility mode translation: staffsize=20
   lilypond-book: warning: ignoring unknown ly option: 
   lilypond-book: warning: deprecated ly-option used: linewidth=170mm
   lilypond-book: warning: compatibility mode translation: 
   lilypond-book: warning: deprecated ly-option used: 20pt
   lilypond-book: warning: compatibility mode translation: staffsize=20

 6. Thinking to eliminate some errors from lilypond itself (as opposed to 
lilypond-book), I
 tried using convert-ly, like this:
   lilypond-book --filter='convert-ly --from=2.0.0' --include=melodies 
--output=out sight.tex
 But this resulted in the following output:
   lilypond-book (GNU LilyPond) 2.2.2
   Reading sight.tex...
   lilypond-book: error: `convert-ly --from=2.0.0' failed (0)
   lilypond-book: error: The error log is as follows:
   convert-ly (GNU LilyPond) 2.2.2

   *** Error code 1

   Stop in /usr/home/bcrowell/Documents/writing/sight.

 7. After doing my best to work around these problems (e.g., by eliminating the 
 stuff temporarily), I get this output:
   [warnings about compatibility and deprecation]
   Processing...Running lilypond-bin...
 At this point, it seems to hang up. A Unix 'ps' command shows this:
   93317  p1  IL+    0:00.00 /bin/sh -ec lilypond-book --include=melodies 
--output=out sight.tex
   93318  p1  IL+    0:10.73 /usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/bin/lilypond-book 
--include=melodies --output=out sight.tex
 But both of these seem to have become zombie processes. Neither one is using 
any cpu.
 About 300 files like and 300 like lily-1636361959.tex have 
been created in the ./out
 directory, which makes sense, since the book contains about 300 pieces of 
music in it. However, the file
 ./out/sight.tex is empty (or perhaps there is output that would be going to 
it, but has never gotten flushed).

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide!

lilypond-user mailing list

The convert-ly script might be worth looking at. If you have a \version tag in the 2.0 file, it will automatically update the syntax.

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