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Re: Alignment of stanza numbers using vocalName

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Alignment of stanza numbers using vocalName
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 13:49:39 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040616

By default, the VocalName object is typeset just before the
left end of the score, just as the InstrumentName object.
The order in which the objects are typeset is determined by
the break-align-orders property of the BreakAlignment object,
wo one solution is to change that setting, so the stanza numbers
are typeset horizontally between the time signature and the first
note, for example. You can do this by removing all your settings
of VocalName properties and adding the following lines
at the end of your score:

    \override BreakAlignment #'break-align-orders = ##(; end-of-line:
(instrument-name left-edge ambitus breathing-sign clef staff-bar key-signature
                                                 time-signature custos)

                                ; unbroken
(instrument-name left-edge ambitus breathing-sign clef staff-bar key-signature
                                                 time-signature custos)
                                ; begin of line
                                (left-edge ambitus breathing-sign
clef key-signature staff-bar time-signature instrument-name custos)


Currently, both instrument names and stanza numbers are placed
horizontally at the same place, since both are referred to as
instrument-name in the list above. To change that, so you can have
both stanza numbers placed as you wish and ordinary instrument names
for each stave, you could introduce a separate break-align-symbol for
stanza numbers:

    \override VocalName #'break-align-symbol = #'vocal-name
    \override BreakAlignment #'break-align-orders = ##(; end-of-line:
(instrument-name left-edge ambitus breathing-sign clef staff-bar key-signature
                                                 time-signature custos)

                                ; unbroken
(instrument-name left-edge ambitus breathing-sign clef staff-bar key-signature
                                                 time-signature custos)
                                ; begin of line
(instrument-name left-edge ambitus breathing-sign clef key-signature staff-bar time-signature vocal-name custos)


In both these solutions, you will get a few warnings about
"No spacing entry from ... ", but these can be ignored.


Rob V wrote:
I've recently upgraded to Lilypond 2.2.2 on Cygwin. I would like to align my stanza numbers closer to the lyrics. I had it working correctly in older versions using "stanza" and later "instrumentname." I'm trying to get it to work now using "vocalName." I've included an example of what I was experimenting with below.
\version "2.2.0"

\score {
       <<  \notes \relative c'' \context Voice = duet { \time 3/4
          g2 e4 \break a2 f4 g2.  }

       \lyrics << \lyricsto "duet" \new Lyrics {
                \override VocalName   #'self-alignment-Y = #-1
%               \override VocalName   #'break-align-symbol = #'Time_signature
                \override VocalName   #'break-align-symbol = #'begin-of-note
                \set vocalName = "1."
                \set vocNam = "1."
         Hi, my name is bert. }
       \lyricsto "duet" \new Lyrics {
                \override VocalName   #'self-alignment-Y = #-1
%               \override VocalName   #'break-align-symbol = #'Time_signature
%               \override VocalName   #'break-align-symbol = #'begin-of-note
                \set vocalName = "2."
                \set vocNam = "2."
         Ooooo, ch\'e -- ri, je t'aime. }
       >> >>

When I use "\override vocalName" I get an error that vocalName is an unknown grob. When I use a capital V in VocalName, I can get the stanza number inside the staff group. When I use nothing at all, the stanza number appears before the staff group. How can I fix my problem and get my stanza numbers to align close to the lyrics, like I had before?
Thanks for any help,

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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