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collisions with latest lilypond from CVS

From: Jost Schenck
Subject: collisions with latest lilypond from CVS
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 12:29:06 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.6.2


I heard a lot on the lists that slurs and ties have been reworked and 
collision handling is supposed to be a lot better. As I still have problems 
that I understood had been resolved I wanted to ask if this is a general 
problem or if there's something wrong with my box. I assembled the problems 
in the following snippet:

melody =  \relative c'' {
  f(\prall e) e d(\prall c) e ~ e c4 ~ c c'(\trill b) b

\score {
  \context Staff \melody
  \paper { raggedright = ##t }

I hope it's okay I attached a small png (created with latest CVS). The pralls 
and the trill collide with the slurs. I also wonder, if it is correct that 
the ties "melt together" with the staff lines. 

Another minor glitch (which can not be seen on the picture): the bar at the 
end of the line is too short on both ends, so it doesn't completely cover the 
upper and lower staff lines, resulting in ugly edges (I can send you the 
corresponding PDF to have a look at it).

Thanks for your help,

Attachment: Test.png
Description: PNG image

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