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Re: Weird slur behaviour

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Weird slur behaviour
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 20:33:02 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020623 Debian/1.0.0-0.woody.1

If you look in the mailing list archives for bug-lilypond (which is the
propert mailing list for bug reports), you will see that the problem
already has been reported. Actually, Jan has implemented some kind
of workaround in the CVS source repository, which gets rid of the
ugly slurs but still produces a number of warnings.


Joe Neeman wrote:

The new slur stuff is really nice, bu I have been getting some weird
bugs in 2.3.16 and 2.3.18. I get spammed with
"programming error: Infinity or NaN encountered while converting Real
number; setting to zero.
Continuing; crossing fingers"

and some slurs look really weird. I haven't figured out a way to
reproduce this reliably, but it seems to occur mostly when slurs go over
the end of a line. Here's an example (2.3.18). The problem slur is in
the second beat of bar 225 (the first bar in the example):

\version "2.3.16"

movI = \relative c'' {
   \time 4/4
   \key d
   \clef treble
   \set Score.skipBars = ##t
   #(set-accidental-style 'modern)
   %bar 225
   a'16\<) f-. c-. c'->( bes) g-. c,-. c'->\downbow\( a->( c)\)
   <c, g'>->( c') <c, a'>->( c') <c, g'>->( c'\!) |

   %bar 226
   <c, a'>8-- \breathe a16-0\downbow_\markup{ \italic{sub. \bold{p}} }(
   bes,( bes') c,( c') d,( d') c,( c') d,_\markup{ \italic{cresc.} }(
   e,( e') |

   %bar 227
   f,16( f') e,( e') f,( f') g,( g') as,( as') a,( a') bes,( bes') b,(
b') |

\score { \movI }

and another example, in which the problem slur is over the end of a

\version "2.3.16"

movI = \relative c'' {
   \time 4/4
   \key d
   \clef treble
   \set Score.skipBars = ##t
   #(set-accidental-style 'modern)
   %bar 132
   <c a'-2>16-| <c a'>-| <a' fis'>->( <c, a'>)
   <a fis'-2>-| <a fis'>-| <fis' dis'>->( <a, fis'>\<)
   <c a'-2>-| <c a'>-| <a' fis'>->( <c, a'>\!)
   <dis c'-2>-| <dis c'>-| <cis' a'>->( <dis, cis'>) |

   %bar 133
   <fis-1 dis'-2 c'-3>8-. a,,16\downbow\<[\( c] dis-1 fis a b
   \acciaccatura{d8} c16 b a c dis-1 fis a-1 c |

   %bar 134
   b16 a\) a'\!->-4( fis-3 dis-1 c-3 a fis\> dis c-2 a fis-3 dis c b
a\!) |

   %bar 135
   gis16->( d'-0 g f) b,->-3( d-0 a' gis) d->( f c' b) f->( b e d) |
\score { \movI }

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