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Spacing of staves

From: Walter Hofmeister
Subject: Spacing of staves
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 23:50:51 -0600
User-agent: Microsoft-Entourage/

    After upgrading to 2.3.22, I am having some problems getting things to
work that worked in 2.2.6. The following example under 2.2.6 produced a
piece for solo guitar music that would fit on one page with four staves. I
used convert-ly to produce the code that follows. Under 2.3.22, I cannot
seem to make it fit. I get the staves spread out so that there is a lot of
space between each stave, three staves on the first page and one on the
second. There is plenty of room to get all four staves on one page yet no
amount of tweaking has made it possible for me to get it to change. I have
read the manual pages concerning page layout and have tried to set several
of the page layout parameters ( betweensystemspace, betweensystempadding,
raggedbottom, raggedlastbottom ) in various combinations and individually,
but nothing seems to change the layout. Here is the funny bit, if I comment
out the second voice (bass) the layout works fine on one page. But when I
add the second voice, it goes back to spacing the staves out much more. Can
anybody tell me what I am missing or doing wrong?

Note: I have left in several \paper blocks (commented out so that there is
only one active) to show some of the settings I tried.

Walter Hofmeister

-------------------Lilypond file --------------------------------------

\version "2.3.22"
\include ""
#(set-global-staff-size 20)
#(set-default-paper-size "letter")

    %#(set-paper-size "letter")
    %linewidth = 185 \mm

\paper {
    #(set-paper-size "letter")
    raggedbottom = ##t
    betweensystemspace = 16\pt
    %betweensystempadding = 0\cm
    %linewidth = 185 \mm
\paper {
    %hsize = 2\cm
    %vsize = 2\cm
    %topmargin = 2\cm
    %bottommargin = 2\cm
    %headsep = 7\cm
    %footsep = 7\cm
    %raggedbottom = ##t
    %raggedlastbottom = ##t
    %leftmargin = 3\cm
    %linewidth = 15\cm
    %rigthmargin = 3\cm
    interscoreline = 16\pt

  \header {
      %dedication = "dedication"
      title = "Allegretto"
      subtitle = "Op. 59, No. 4"
      %subsubtitle = "Subsubtitle"
      composer = "Matteo Carcassi"
      %opus = "Opus 59"
      %piece = "Andante"
      %instrument = "Instrument"
      %arranger = "Arranger"
      %poet = "Poet"
      %texttranslator = "Translator"
      %copyright = "public domain"
      %source = "urtext "
      %enteredby = "your name here"
      maintainerEmail = "your email here"
      texidoc = "The standard header that ought to be in top of a file."


melody =  \relative c'' {
    \key g \major
    \time 6/8
    \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #-1
    \mark \markup { \column < \large {Allegretto} "" > }
    \repeat volta 2 {
    \partial 8*2
    d8 c
    b8 g b b g' fs
    e8 g, e' e a g
    fs8 e d cs d c
    b8 g b b d c
    b8 g b b g' fs
    e4 e8 e a g
    fs8 e fs g[ b, cs]
    \partial 8*4
    d4. ~ d8
    \repeat volta 2 {
    \partial 8*2
    e8 d
    \set Score.currentBarNumber = #9
    <c? a>8 d, <c' a> <fs c> d, <fs' c>
    <g b,>8 d, <g' b,> <b, g> d, <b' g>
    d8 c a d c a
    e'8 d b g e' d
    <c a>8 d, <c' a> <fs c> d, <fs' c>
    <g b,>8 d, <g' b,> <b, g> d, <b' g>
    d8 fs e d[ c a]
    \partial 8*4
    g4. ~ g8
    \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #1
    \mark \markup { \large\italic\bold\right-align {Fine} }
    \repeat volta 2 {
    \partial 8*2
    c8 d
    \set Score.currentBarNumber = #17
    e8 g, e' f g, f'
    g8 g, g' g b, c
    d8 g, d' e g, e'
    f8 g, f' f c d
    e8 g, e' f g, f'
    g8 g, g' e g, e'
    f8 g, f' b,[ g b]
    \partial 8*4
    c4. ~ c8
    %\override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility =
    \mark \markup { \column <  \large\italic\bold\right-align {D.C. al Fine}
"" > }

bass =  \relative c' {
    \key g \major
    \time 6/8
    \repeat volta 2 {
    \partial 8*2
    r8\mf r
    g4 g8 g4 r8
    c4 c8 c4 r8
    d4. d
    g,4 g8 g4 r8
    g4 g8 g r r
    cs'8 a, cs' a,4.
    d4. a
    \partial 8*4
    d4. ~ d8
    \repeat volta 2 {
    \partial 8*2
    r8\p r
    \set Score.currentBarNumber = #9
    s8 d4  s8 d4 
    s8 d4  s8 d4
    d4. d
    g4. g
    s8\f d4 s8 d4
    s8 d4 s8 d4
    d4. d
    \partial 8*4
    g,4. ~ g8
    \repeat volta 2 {
    \partial 8*2
    r8 r
    \set Score.currentBarNumber = #17
    c4\p c8 d4 d8
    e4 e8 e r r
    b4 b8 c4 c8
    d4 d8 d4 r8
    c4 c8 d4 d8
    e4\< e8\! c4 c8
    d4\f d8 g,4 g8
    \partial 8*4
    c4. ~ c8

\score {
  \context Staff <<
      \context Voice = one \melody
    \context Voice = two \bass
  \layout {}
  \midi  { }

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