% Updated to Lilypond 2.2.5 by Ruud van Silfhout % Last changed on 24/oct/2004 #(set-global-staff-size 20) \version "2.2.5" \header { title = "1$\\rm ^e$$\\rm ^r$$\\rm ^e$ Gymnop\\'edie" dedication = "\\`a Mademoiselle JEANNE de BRET" composer = "Erik Satie" mutopiatitle = "Gymnopédie No. 1" mutopiacomposer = "E. Satie (1866 - 1925)" mutopiainstrument = "Piano" date = "1888" source = "Dover Edition" % The Dover edition contains reproductions of the original work % with translations from the French typed on them. The translations % are all that is new (copyrighted), and are not included in this % file. style = "Classical" copyright = "Public Domain" filename = "gymnopedie_1.ly" maintainer = "Evin Robertson" maintainerEmail = "address@hidden" lastupdated = "2000/Nov/1" tagline = "\\\\This music is part of the Mutopia project, http://www.mutopiaproject.org/\\\\It has been typeset and placed in the public domain by " + \maintainer + ".\\\\Unrestricted modification and redistribution is permitted and encouraged --- copy this music and share it!" footer = "Mutopia-2000/11/01-37" } global = \notes { \key b \minor \time 3/4 } % The original doesn't use a volta, and thus takes nearly twice as much paper. % Change from volta to unfolded (for each voice to) make it look like the % original. top = \context Staff \notes\relative c'' { % \set Staff.textEmptyDimension = ##t \dynamicUp % \override Crescendo #'direction = #1 \stemUp \slurUp \repeat volta 2 { R2.^\markup { \huge "Lent et douloureux" } | R2. | R2. | R2. | r4 fis( \pp \< a | g fis cis | b cis\! d \> | a2. | fis2.\!) ~ | fis2. ~ | fis2. ~ | fis2. | r4 fis'( \< a | g fis cis | b cis d\! | a2. \> | cis2. | fis2. | e,2.\!) ~ | e2. ~ | e2. | a4( \< b c | e d b | d c b\! | d2. \> ~ | d2\!) d4( \< | e f g | a c, d\! | e \> d b | d2.\! ~ | d2) d4 | \break } \alternative { { g2.( \< | fis2.\! | b,4 a b | cis d e | cis d \> e | fis,2. | < c' a e c>2.) | 2. | } { g2.( \< | f2.\! | b,4 c f | e d c | e d c \> | f,2. | 2. | 2.) \! \bar "|." } } } middle = \context Voice = accomp \notes\relative c' { \override NoteColumn #'horizontal-shift = #1 \repeat volta 2 { r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2\f | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2\pp | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | \change Staff=bass \stemUp r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 r4 2\p | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | } \alternative { { \change Staff=treble \stemUp r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 4 | s2. | s2. | } { \change Staff=treble \stemUp r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 2 | r4 4 | s2. | s2. | } } } bottom = \context Staff \notes\relative c { \set Staff.voltaSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 0 0) % \set Staff.noVoltaBraces = ##t % \set Staff.voltaVisibility = ##f \stemDown \repeat volta 2 { g2. | d2. | g2. | d2. | g2. | d2. | g2. | d2. | g2. | d2. | g2. | d2. | g2. | d2. | g2. | d2. | fis2. | b,2. | e2. | e2. | d2. | a2. | d2. | d2. | d2. | d2. | d2. | d2. | d2. | d2. | d2. | } \alternative { { e2. | fis2. | b,2. | e2. | e2. | << \context Voice = othervoice {r4 b' e} e,2. >> | 2. | \stemUp 2. | } { \stemDown e2. | e2. | e2. | e2. | e2. | << \context Voice = othervoice {r4 b' e} e,2. >> | \stemUp 2. | 2. | } } } \score { \context PianoStaff << \context Staff = treble << \global \clef treble \top \middle >> \context Staff = bass << \global \clef bass \bottom >> >> \midi { } \paper { linewidth = 18.0 \cm } }