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Re: Lyrics alingment problem.

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Lyrics alingment problem.
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 18:31:47 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040913

The easiest solution is probably to use a text editor that supports
the characters you use and saves them in Latin1 (ISO-8859-1) encoding.
Then you don't have to bother with the TeX commands and you make your
file future proof, since LilyPond soon will produce Postscript output

However, to make your TeX commands work in the lyrics, you have to
'escape' some characters, meaning that every backslash should be
replaced by a double backslash and every ^ should be replaced by
\^. For example, the beginning of your text should be
   Tot16-l\\\^a16 -- v\\\^a4 \\\^a8 p\\\^{\\i}d8 d\\`es16 Fagnes2 du8 zos16

Also, you have explicitly specified the duration of each syllable, but
at the same time you have used \lyricsto, which means that the text
is matched to the music anyway. If you remove the \lyricsto "one", the
placement of syllables will be based on the durations you specified
instead. Also, note that a '-' is treated as any character, whereas '--'
should be used for hyphens between syllables.


GREEN Marc wrote:
I recently joined a choir. Some partition and lyrics are hand written and sometimes difficult to read (for the beginner I am anyway ;) ),
so I'm trying to put all this in a nicely form using lilypond 2.2.0.

Unfortunaly I have a lyrics alignment problem.

You can see in the joind ".ly" file the lyrics I joined also the ".dvi" file of the output. I don't have all the lyrics in teh output.
I tried giving the pitch after each syllable/word but it does'nt help.

Anybody has a clue of what I'm doing wrong.

By the way I tried with sample I found in the forum and it all works fine. So I suppose the problem is from the lyrics but being new
with Lilypond I don't know where to look at or what I'm doing wrong.

Note : the lyrics are in "Wallon", old language from here. It has losts of accents as you will note, maybe this can be the root of the problem.
   What do you think of ?

Thanks in advance.



% Generated by lilypond-book
% Options: [printfilename,texidoc,linewidth]

\paper {
    linewidth = 160 \mm
\renameinput ""
\version "2.2.0"

\include ""

\header {
  texidoc = "Melody and lyrics."

melody = \notes \relative do' {
        \key fa\major
        \time 3/4
        do'4. r8\mf fa,8.[( sol16]  \bar "|:" la4. la8 do8.[ do16]
        sib2) \breathe sib8.[( la16] sol4. fad8 sol8.[ sib16]) la2 \breathe 
fa8.[( sol16] la4. la8 do8.[ do16]  si4)( si) \breathe si8( re
        do4. sol8 \times 2/3 {sol[ sol si]} si4)(\>  do8)\! r8 fa,8.[( sol16]  
la4. la8 do8[\< do8] sib2)\! \breathe re8.[( si16]
        sib4\> sol4\! \times 2/3 { do8[ do si])}

        do2 \breathe fa,8.[( sol16] la4. la8\< do[ do]\! sib2) \breathe re8.[ 
si16] sib4 sol \times 2/3 {do8[ do si]} %do2 \mf fa,8.[ sol16]
                \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta "1-4."))
        do2\mf fa,8.[ sol16]
                \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f) end-repeat )

        %\bar ":|"

ignoreMelisma = \set ignoreMelismata = ##t
ignoreMelismaOff = \unset ignoreMelismata

text = \lyrics {
        %\set stanza = "1."
   Tot16-l\^a16 - v\^a4 \^a8 p\^{\i}d8 d\`es16 Fagnes2 du8 zos16
  l'vo\^ute4 d'on8 cl\`er8 ble\^u16 c\^{\i}- inte8 d\`es16 coli4nes8 \`e8lan16 
-- cies2 qui8 bwar8
  d\`et l'riyante cam -- pagne. C'\`est l\`a qu'\`est
  l'v\?ye du M\^am - d\^{\i},  d\`es - ar - d\`enes lu pa ra dis.
  C\\`est l\`a qu'\`est l'v\?ye du
  M\^am - d\^{\i},  d\`es - ar - d\`enes lu pa ra dis.

\score {
      \context Voice = one {
          \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f
      \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics \text
  \paper { }
  \midi  { }


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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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