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From: Aaron
Subject: convert-ly
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 18:34:33 +0200

Hi all,

I have been wrestling with convert-ly and it seems to have beaten me.

I read the manual on convert-ly and this is what I got.

convert-ly -e --to=1.3.150 `find . -name '*.ly' -print`

I did
convert-ly -e --to=2.2.6 `find . -name '*.ly' -print`
this produced a blank file with the *.ly.NEW extension

I tried 

I again got a blank file with the extension .ly.NEW

I did convert-ly -s

I got the following so I see convert-ly knows what to do.:

heone:/disks/hda2/bakup/projectnigun/notation/norai/lily/ly# convert-ly
0.1.9: \header { key = concat + with + operator }
0.1.19: deprecated \octave; can't convert automatically
0.1.20: deprecated \textstyle, new \key syntax
0.1.21: \musical_pitch -> \musicalpitch, \meter -> \time
1.0.0: 0.1.21 -> 1.0.0
1.0.1: \accidentals -> \keysignature, specialaccidentals ->
1.0.2: \header { key = concat + with + operator }
1.0.3: \melodic -> \notes
1.0.4: default_{paper,midi}
1.0.5: ChoireStaff -> ChoirStaff
1.0.6: foo = \translator {\type .. } ->\translator {\type ..; foo; }
1.0.7: \lyric -> \lyrics
1.0.10: [2/3 ]1/1 -> \times 2/3
1.0.12: Chord syntax stuff
1.0.13: <a ~ b> c -> <a b> ~ c
1.0.14: <[a b> <a b]>c -> [<a b> <a b>]
1.0.16: \type -> \context, textstyle -> textStyle
1.0.18: \repeat NUM Music Alternative -> \repeat FOLDSTR Music
1.0.19: fontsize -> fontSize, midi_instrument -> midiInstrument,
SkipBars -> skipBars
1.0.20: {,tie,slur}ydirection -> {v,tieV,slurV}erticalDirection
1.0.21: hshift -> horizontalNoteShift
1.1.52: deprecate \grouping
1.1.55: \wheel -> \coda
1.1.65: slurdash -> slurDash, keyoctaviation -> keyOctaviation
1.1.66: semi -> volta
1.1.67: beamAuto -> noAutoBeaming
1.2.0: automaticMelismas -> automaticMelismata
1.2.1: dynamicDir -> dynamicDirection
1.3.4: \cadenza -> \cadenza{On|Off}
1.3.5: beamAuto moment properties
1.3.17: stemStyle -> flagStyle
1.3.18: staffLineLeading -> staffSpace
1.3.23: \\repetitions feature dropped
1.3.35: textEmptyDimension -> textNonEmpty
1.3.38: \musicalpitch { a b c } -> #'(a b c)
1.3.39: \key A ;  ->\key a;
1.3.41: [:16 c4 d4 ] -> \repeat "tremolo" 2 { c16 d16 }
1.3.42: Staff_margin_engraver deprecated, use Instrument_name_engraver
1.3.49: noteHeadStyle value: string -> symbol
1.3.58: noteHeadStyle value: string -> symbol
1.3.59: \key X ; -> \key X major;
1.3.68: latexheaders = "\input global" -> latexheaders = "global"
1.3.92: basicXXXProperties -> XXX, Repeat_engraver -> Volta_engraver
1.3.93: property definiton case (eg. onevoice -> oneVoice)
1.3.97: ChordName -> ChordNames
1.3.98: CONTEXT.textStyle -> GROB.#font-style
1.3.102: beamAutoEnd -> autoBeamSettings \push (end * * * *)
1.3.111: \push -> \override, \pop -> \revert
1.3.113: LyricVoice -> LyricsVoice
1.3.117: identifier names: $!foo_bar_123 -> xfooBarABC
1.3.120: paper_xxx -> paperXxxx, pedalup -> pedalUp.
1.3.122: drarnChords -> chordChanges, \musicalpitch -> \pitch
1.3.136: ly-X-elt-property -> ly-X-grob-property
1.3.138: point-and-click argument changed to procedure.
1.3.138: followThread -> followVoice.
1.3.139: font-point-size -> font-design-size.
1.3.141: xNoDots -> xSolid
1.3.144: Chorda -> Corda
1.3.145: ContextNameXxxxVerticalExtent -> XxxxVerticalExtent
1.3.146: semicolons removed
1.3.147: default-neutral-direction -> neutral-direction
1.3.148: "(align" -> "(axis", "(rows" -> "(columns"
1.5.33: SystemStartDelimiter -> systemStartDelimiter
1.5.38: SystemStartDelimiter -> systemStartDelimiter
1.5.40: breakAlignOrder property names
1.5.49: noAutoBeaming -> autoBeaming
1.5.52: tuplet-X-visibility -> X-visibility
1.5.56: Pitch::transpose -> ly-transpose-pitch
1.5.58: deprecate textNonEmpty
1.5.59: XxxxVerticalExtent -> xxxVerticalExtent
1.5.62: visibility-lambda -> break-visibility
1.5.67: automaticMelismata turned on by default
1.5.68: ly-set-X-property -> ly-set-X-property!
1.5.71: extent-[XY] -> [XY]-extent
1.5.72: set! point-and-click -> set-point-and-click!
1.6.5: Stems: flag-style -> stroke-style; style -> flag-style
1.7.1: ly-make-music foo_bar_req -> make-music-by-name FooBarEvent
1.7.2: \spanrequest -> #(make-span-event .. ), \script ->
#(make-articulation .. )
1.7.3: ly- -> ly:
1.7.4: << >> -> < <  > >
1.7.5: \transpose TO -> \transpose FROM  TO
1.7.6: note\script -> note-\script
1.7.10: \property ChordName #'style -> #(set-chord-name-style 'style)
1.7.11: transpose-pitch -> pitch-transpose
1.7.13: ly:XX-molecule-YY -> ly:molecule-XX-YY
1.7.15: linewidth = -1 -> raggedright = ##t
1.7.16: divisiomaior -> divisioMaior
1.7.17: Skip_req  -> Skip_event
1.7.18: groupOpen/Close  -> start/stopGroup,
                             #'outer  -> #'enclose-bounds

1.7.19: remove GraceContext
1.7.22: #'type -> #'style
1.7.23: barNonAuto -> automaticBars
1.7.24: cluster syntax
1.7.28: new Pedal style syntax
1.9.0: New relative mode,
Postfix articulations, new text markup syntax, new chord syntax.
1.9.1: Remove - before articulation
1.9.2: \newcontext -> \new
1.9.3: \acciaccatura misspelling, fingerHorizontalDirection ->
1.9.4: Swap < > and << >>
1.9.5: HaraKiriVerticalGroup -> RemoveEmptyVerticalGroup
1.9.6: ly:get-font deprecated.
1.9.7: use symbolic constants for alterations,
remove \outputproperty, move ly:verbose into ly:get-option
1.9.8: dash-length -> dash-fraction
2.1.1: font-relative-size -> font-size
2.1.2: ly:get-music-length -> ly:music-length
2.1.3: stanza -> instrument
2.1.4: removal of automaticMelismata; use melismaBusyProperties instead.
2.1.7: \translator Staff -> \change Staff
2.1.10: \newaddlyrics -> \lyricsto
2.1.11: \include "" -> #(set-staff-size 16)
\note #3 #1 #1 -> \note #"8." #1

2.1.12: OttavaSpanner -> OttavaBracket
2.1.13: set-staff-size -> set-global-staff-size
2.1.14: style = dotted -> dash-fraction = 0
2.1.15: LyricsVoice . instr(ument) -> vocalName
2.1.16: \musicglyph #"accidentals-NUM" -> \sharp/flat/etc.
2.1.17: \partcombine syntax change to \newpartcombine
2.1.18: \newpartcombine -> \partcombine,
\autochange Staff -> \autochange

2.1.19: Drum notation changes, Removing \chordmodifiers, \notenames.
Harmonic notes. Thread context removed. Lyrics context removed.
2.1.20: nonevent-skip -> skip-music
2.1.21: molecule-callback -> print-function,
brew_molecule -> print
brew-new-markup-molecule -> Text_item::print
LyricsVoice -> Lyrics
tupletInvisible -> TupletBracket \set #'transparent
Grob::preset_extent removed.

2.1.22: new syntax for property settings:
        \set A.B = #C , \unset A.B
        \override A.B #C = #D, \revert A.B #C

2.1.23: Property setting syntax in \translator{ }
2.1.24: music-list? -> ly:music-list?
2.1.25: Scheme grob function renaming
2.1.26: More Scheme function renaming
2.1.27: property transposing -> tuning
2.1.28: make-music-by-name -> make-music,
new syntax for setting \arpeggioBracket
2.1.29: \center -> \center-align, \translator -> \context
2.1.30: \threeq{flat,sharp} -> \sesqui{flat,sharp}
ly:get-mutable-properties -> ly:mutable-music-properties
centralCPosition -> middleCPosition
ly:unset-context-property -> ly:context-unset-property
ly:translator-find -> ly:context-find
ly:get-stencil-extent -> ly:stencil-extent

2.1.31: remove \alias Timing
2.1.33: breakAlignOrder -> break-align-orders.
2.1.34: set-paper-size -> set-default-paper-size.
2.1.36: ly:mutable-music-properties -> ly:music-mutable-properties
2.2.0: clean up version.

can someone please help me.


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