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Re: Glissando

From: Brett Duncan
Subject: Re: Glissando
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2004 21:58:05 +1100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.1 (Macintosh/20040626)

Mats Bengtsson wrote:
As you noted, the \postcript markup command wasn't available in
version 2.2, but you could use
\markup{ "\\embeddedps{...}" } as a replacement for
\markup{ \postscript #"..." }


hi Mats,

I tried your suggestion, but I think I'm screwing up the syntax somewhere - here's my test file:

\version "2.2.2"

glisslinescript = \markup{
"\\embeddedps{ 0.2 setlinewidth 1 6 moveto 3 -8 lineto stroke \halign #1 { \italic gliss. } }" }

glissline = \markup{
    "\\embeddedps { 0.2 setlinewidth 1 6 moveto 3 -8 lineto stroke }" }

glisslinewide = \markup{
        "\\embeddedps{ 0.2 setlinewidth 1 6 moveto 5.5 -8 lineto stroke }" }

\score {

                \new Staff {
                \clef treble
                \time 4/4
                        c1\glisslinescript d\glissline e\glisslinewide
        \paper {
                #(set-paper-size "a4")

and the message that results:

/Users/bduncan/lilypond/ error: Have to be in Lyric mode for lyrics:
                                           d\glissline e\glisslinewide


Where have I messed up?

Brett Duncan

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