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Re: \skip in lyricmode

From: Charles Gran
Subject: Re: \skip in lyricmode
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 11:59:32 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win 9x 4.90; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041217

So--if I understand this correctly--the number after \skip is still required in \lyricsto but doesn't do anything.

Realted to this, I have an introduction to a song that has a pickup text (discussed in an earlier post). The text useed to appear on the and of four in m.3. I added phrase marks and staccati to the introduction and now the text won't appear. Using \skip, there is a point where the text disappears.

I am using 2.4.2 under cygwin:

\version "2.4.2"
#(set-default-paper-size "letter")
%#(set-global-staff-size 25)
\header {
    title = "Casting Spells"
    poet = "C J Ver Burg"
    composer = "Charles Gran"
    tagline = ""

melody = {
\set Staff.extraNatural = ##f
\clef treble
\key f \minor
\time 2/2
%\tempo 2=60

<< { <f' aes'>8-. <f' aes'>-. < f' g' >4 <f' aes'>8-. <f' aes'>-. < f' g' >4 } \\ { c'4( b8) f->( c'4) b8 f->( } >> << { < c'' e''>8->( <b' d''> <a' c''> <c'' ees''>~ <c'' ees''>4) r8 <fes' aes'>->( } \\ { aes2) <aes c' ees'>8-. <aes c' ees'>-. <aes bes d'>4 } >> << { <aes' ces''>8 <ges' bes'> <f' aes'>) <d' f'>->( <e' c''>4.) c'8 } \\ { <aes ees'>4 bes <bes d'>8-. <bes d'>-. <c g bes>4 } >>

pickup = \lyricmode {
\skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 8
\skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 8
\skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 8 \skip 8

harmonies = \chordmode {
r1 r1 r1


\score {
      \context ChordNames {
         \set chordChanges = ##t
   \context Voice = one {
   \lyricsto "1" \new Lyrics \pickup
   \layout { }
   \midi { \tempo 2=60 }

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