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Re: Wasted Space Below Header

From: Will Oram
Subject: Re: Wasted Space Below Header
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 03:32:48 -0500

Unfortunately, it didn't work.

The project as a whole is 30 ly files, so posting would make quite an e-mail. I'll stick with the central, header and global .ly files, as they're the most important.

If you need anything beyond what you see, I can send the whole project privately.

(As for the strange mix of languages...I copied a lot of the files from older projects. Since the end user will never see this code, I'm too lazy to adjust to one language.)


%%% HEADER.LY %%%

        title                   = "Violin Concerto"
        subtitle                        = "Movement 2"
        composer                        = "Will Oram (1984 - )"

%%% MAIN.LY %%%

\version "2.4.5"

#(set-global-staff-size 14)
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""

\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""
\include ""

\header { \include "" }

\paper  {
        #(set-paper-size "legal")

\score {
        \layout {
                \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }
                raggedbottom = ##f
                raggedlastbottom = ##f
        \simultaneous {
                \new StaffGroup <<
                        \new GrandStaff <<
                                \new Staff <<
                                        \set Staff.instrument = \markup { 
"Piccolo." }
                                        \set Staff.instr = \markup { "Pc." }
                                        \bars % see ''
                                \new Staff <<
                                        \set Staff.instrument = \markup { "2 
Flute." }
                                        \set Staff.instr = \markup { "Fl." }
                                                \relative e'' { \FluteOne }
                                                \relative e'' { \FluteTwo }
                        >> % end grandstaff
                        \new Staff <<
                                \set Staff.instrument = \markup { "2 Oboe." }
                                \set Staff.instr = \markup { Ob. }
                                        \relative e'' { \OboeOne }
                                        \relative e'' { \OboeTwo }
                        \new Staff <<
                                \set Staff.instrument = \markup { "2 A 
Clarinet." }
                                \set Staff.instr = \markup { \column < "Cl." "(A)" 
> }
                                        \relative e'' { \ClarinetOneA }
                                        \relative e'' { \ClarinetTwoA }
                        \new GrandStaff <<
                                \new Staff <<
                                        \set Staff.instrument = \markup { "2 
Fagotte." }
                                        \set Staff.instr = \markup { Fag. }
                                                \relative e { \BassoonOne }
                                                \relative e, { \BassoonTwo }
                                \new Staff <<
                                        \set Staff.instrument = \markup { 
"Contrabassoon." }
                                        \set Staff.instr = \markup { Cb. }
                        >> % end GrandStaff
                >> % end StaffGroup
                \new StaffGroup <<                        
                        \new GrandStaff <<
                                \new Staff <<
                                        \set Staff.instrument = \markup { I.II. 
in F }
                                        \set Staff.instr = \markup { \column < "Hr." 
"(F)" > }
                                                \relative c'' { \HornOneF }
                                                \relative c' { \HornTwoF }
                                \new Staff <<
                                        \set Staff.instrument = \markup { 
III.IV. in F }
                                        \set Staff.instr = \markup { \column < "Hr." 
"(F)" > }
                                        \set Staff.soloText = #"3."
                                        \set Staff.soloIIText = #"4."
                                                \relative c' { \HornThreeF }
                                                \relative c' { \HornFourF }
                        >> % end grand staff
                        \new Staff <<
                                \set Staff.instrument = \markup { "2 C 
Trumpet." }
                                \set Staff.instr = \markup {Trp.}
                                        \relative c'' { \TrumpetOne }
                                        \relative c'' { \TrumpetTwo }
                        \new GrandStaff <<
                                \new Staff <<
                                                \relative c' { \TromboneOne }
                                                \relative c' { \TromboneTwo }
                                \new Staff <<
                >> % end StaffGroup
                \new Staff <<
                        \set Staff.instrument = \markup { "Solo Violin." }
                        \set Staff.instr = \markup { Solo. }
                \new StaffGroup <<
                        \new GrandStaff <<
                                \new Staff <<
                                        \set Staff.instrument = \markup { "Violin 
I." }
                                \new Staff <<
                                        \set Staff.instrument = \markup { "Violin 
II." }
                        >> %%% end grandstaff
                        \new Staff <<
                                \set Staff.instrument = \markup { "Viola." }
                                \set Staff.instr = \markup { Br. }
                        \new GrandStaff <<
                                \new Staff <<
                                        \set Staff.instrument = \markup { 
"Violincello." }
                                        \set Staff.instr = \markup { Vc. }
                                \new Staff <<
                                        \set Staff.instrument = \markup { 
"Bass." }
                                        \set Staff.instr = \markup { Kb. }
                        >> % end GrandStaff
                >> % end StaffGroup

%%% GLOBAL.LY %%%

\version "2.3.22"

spacing = {
        s2. | s2. | s2. | s2. | s2. | \pageBreak
s2. | s2. | s2. | s2. | s2. | \pageBreak % I also tried simple \break; no change

tempochange = {
s2.^\markup { "" \raise #8 {\bigger\bigger\bigger\bold {Adagio. } \note #"4" #1 \bigger\bigger\bigger {= 55}}}

parameters = {
        \override Score.MetronomeMark   #'transparent = ##t
        \override Score.Hairpin  #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -2)
        \override Score.DynamicText  #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -2)
        \override Score.TextScript  #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -2)
        \set Score.soloText = #"1."
        \set Score.soloIIText = #"2."
        \set Score.skipBars = ##t

On Mar 13, 2005, at 3.10 AM, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

Will Oram writes:

\layout {
        \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }
        raggedbottom = ##f % false is what I want, right?

However, the page break does not occur, and there is a gigantic (~10
cm) amount of empty space between the piece header and the first
system. There is no change in space between staves either.

What's the proper procedure to get an even system spread every page?

Also set raggedlastbottom = ##f, otherwise post your .ly if you can.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <address@hidden> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter       |

the morning lets you live
but not sleeping is too hard
                       _   |  WILL ORAM
ASCII ribbon campaign ( )  |  spamguy (at) foxchange . com
 - against HTML email  X   |  wro1 (at) cwru . edu
             & vCards / \  |
                           |  AIM spamguy21
(ABOVE: Magnetic poetry #1)

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