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Re: Lyrics alignment problem

From: Riccardo Orfei
Subject: Re: Lyrics alignment problem
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 15:03:21 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)


I tried it, but it doesn't still work.

Any hint?

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Keep all the lyrics within the same Lyrics context:

\score {
\new Staff {
\repeat volta 2 { \context Voice = "voice" { \aaaa } }
\alternative { \context Voice = "altI" { \bbbb }
\context Voice = "altII" { \cccc }
\new Lyrics <<
\lyricsto "voice"  \lyaaaa
\lyricsto "altI"  \lybbbb
\lyricsto "altII" \lycccc



Riccardo Orfei wrote:

dear lilypond users,

I am experiencing some trouble in writing lyrics in a song with repeats
and alternatives.
Here is a sample of what I get: the text of this simple song is being
displayed on three lines.
What am I supposed to do to have my text on a single line?

Thank you for your kind attention,

\version "2.4.0"
\include ""
% tilde = ~
global = { \time 4/4 \key mib \major }
aaaa = \relative { do re mi fa }
bbbb = \relative { sol' la si do }
cccc = \relative { do' si la sol }
lyaaaa = \lyricmode { do re mi fa }
lybbbb = \lyricmode { sol la si do }
lycccc = \lyricmode { do si la sol }
\score {
\new Staff {
\repeat volta 2 { \context Voice = "voice" { \aaaa } }
\alternative { \context Voice = "altI" { \bbbb }
\context Voice = "altII" { \cccc }
\lyricsto "voice" \new Lyrics \lyaaaa
\lyricsto "altI" \new Lyrics \lybbbb
\lyricsto "altII" \new Lyrics \lycccc

\layout { }
\midi { \tempo 4=90 }

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