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Re: Why do chords print below staff?

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Why do chords print below staff?
Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 17:45:39 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.7) Gecko/20050414

Tricky one! I send a copy to bug-lilypond, both since the
difference between \chords and \chordmode is completely undocumented
(except for the NEWS file for 2.4) and since I don't realize why
the chords end up below the stave.

I stripped down your example to the following, where the chords
still are printed below the staff.

\version "2.4.0"

melody = \relative c'' {
  a4 a8 a g4 g |
  f2 f |

guitar = \new ChordNames \chordmode {
  f2 c |
  f1 |

\score {
  \new ChordNames {
        \set chordChanges = ##t

  \new Staff \context Voice = mel {

Note that I replaced '\chords' with '\new ChordNames \chordmode'
(which is equivalent) in an attempt to understand what's going on.

The chords will move up above the stave if you do at least one of
the following:

- Replace 'guitar = \new ChordNames \chordmode' with
  'guitar = \chordmode'

- Move the property setting of chordChanges into
  guitar = \new ChordNames \chordmode {...}


Peter F Whyte wrote:
I've attached a couple of stripped down files that don't seem to work. (I had parts for other instruments in the original, but the problem still happens when I removed them.) I appreciate you taking the time to examine my problem. Hoping you can spot my mistake.

On 18 May 2005 at 12:49, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Please send a small but complete example file that illustrates the
problem. I tried to just make up some values for all the identifiers
that you hadn't specified below and the chords are printed nicely on
top of the stave, so there's nothing wrong with the part of the code
that you sent.


Peter F Whyte wrote:

I used to get chordnames printing above the staff, but now they
always, always print below.  Nothing I try to change seems to have
any effect on the position whatsover. I've searched the entire
archive, but all to no avail. Hoping desperately someone can help. This is the third time I've tried to solve the problem, and it's
taken 3 hours of absolute frustration.

I'm using Win XP Pro SP2 with lilypond 2.4.2 (can't bear to change
the version again as it took ages last time to get things sorted,
and it works ok, except for this problem).

I've parts all in a separate file and an include line which works
fine.  Here's my score section.  I'm looking for chords on top,
melody line next, lyrics below this, and piano staff at the bottom.
It all works fine until I add the chords - they always go to the
bottom, never the top.

\score {

     \context ChordNames {
                \set chordChanges = ##t
\context Voice = mel { \set Staff.instrument = #"Melody"
                \set Staff.instr = #"Mel"
\global \Key \melody } \lyricsto "mel" \new Lyrics \text

        \context PianoStaff = "piano" \piano
% ------ common to all scores ------
\layout { \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }
   linewidth = 180.0\mm
        \context {
          \consists Ambitus_engraver
\midi { \tempo 4=110 } }

Peter F Whyte
Belfast (N Ireland)

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
Email: address@hidden

Best regards


Reply to address@hidden


\version "2.4.0"

\include ""
% following file contains header and all parts
\include ""

%%% SCORES %%%

% ------ Piano ------
\score {

  \context ChordNames {
        \set chordChanges = ##t

\context Voice = mel { \set Staff.instrument = #"Melody"
                \set Staff.instr = #"Mel"
\global \Key \melody } \lyricsto "mel" \new Lyrics \text

        \context PianoStaff = "piano" \piano
% ------ common to all scores ------
\layout { \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }
    linewidth = 180.0\mm
        \context {
          \consists Ambitus_engraver
\midi { \tempo 4=140 } }


\version "2.4.0"

\header {
  texidoc ="Classical song format: one staff with melody and lyrics,
and piano accompaniment."
title = "Only a boy called David" subtitle = ""
  composer = ""
  arranger = "arr. Peter F. Whyte"
  poet = ""
  meter = ""
  copyright = "(c) 1946, Cliff College"
  tagline = \markup { \column < "Sources: Junior Praise, No 190"
    "Engraved by Lilypond version 2.4.0" > }
  head = ""

\include ""
% fit onto one page
#(set-global-staff-size 16)

global =  {
  \time 4/4

Key =  { \key ef \major }

%%% MUSIC %%%

%%% Voice fragments %%%

musicFrgA =  \relative c' {
  f4 f8 f g4 g |

musicFrgB =  \relative c' {
  f4 c'2. |

%%% Voice parts %%%

melody =        \transpose f ef {
 \relative c' {
  a'1 |
  a4 a8 a g4 g |
  f2 f |
bf4 bf8 bf bf4 bf |
  bf d d d8 d |
  d4 c c a |
  c1 |
g4 g8 g g4 g |
  g a bf a8 bf |
  c4 bf a g |
  a1 |
a4. a8 f4. f8 |
  a4. a8 f4. f8 |
  a4 a bf c |
  d1 |
c4 c8 c c4 c |
  c c c c8 c |
  c c bf4 a g |
  f1 |

alto =  \transpose f ef {
 \relative c' {
  f4 f8 f e4 e |
  f f2. |
  f4 f8 f e4 e |
  f1 |
f4 f8 f e4 e |
  f4 f2. |
  f4 f8 f e4 e |
  f2 ef |
d4 d8 d d4 d |
  d f f f8 f |
  f4 f f f |
  f1 |
e4 e8 e e4 e |
  d f g f8 g |
  a4 g f e |
  f1 |
f4. f8 f4. f8 |
  f4. f8 f4. f8 |
  f4 f f f |
  f1 |
f4 f8 f f4 f |
  f e f a8 a |
  a a g4 f e |

tenor =         \transpose f ef {
 \relative c' {
  a4 a8 a c4 c |
  c a2. |
  a4 a8 a c4 c |
  c1 |
a4 a8 a c4 c |
  c a2. |
c4 c8 c bf4 bf | a2 a | bf4 bf 8 bf bf4 bf |
  bf bf bf bf8 bf |
  bf4 a a c |
  a1 |
c4 c8 c c4 c |
  c c c c8 c |
  c4 c c c |
  c1 |
c4. c8 a4. a8 |
  c4. c8 a4. a8 |
  c4 c c c |
  bf1 |
a4 a8a a4 a |
  a bf c c8 c |
  d d d4 c bf |
  a1 |

bass =  \transpose f ef {
 \relative c {
  f4 f8 f c4 c |
  f4 f2. |
  f4 f8 f c4 c |
  f1 |
f4 f8 f c4 c |
  f4 f2. |
  c4 c8 c c4 c |
  f2 f |
bf,4 bf8 bf bf4 bf |
  bf bf bf bf8 bf |
  f'4 f f f |
  f1 |
c4 c8 c c4 c |
  c c c c8 c |
  c4 c c c |
  f1 |
f4. f8 f4. f8 |
  f4. f8 f4. f8 |
  f4 f g a |
  bf1 |
f4 f8 f f4 f |
  f g a a8 a |
  bf bf bf,4 c c |

text = \lyricmode {
  On -- ly a boy called Da -- vid,
  On -- ly a rip -- pling brook;
  On -- ly a boy called Da -- vid,
  Five lit -- tle stones he took.
  Then, one lit -- tle stone went in the sling,
  And the slign went round and round,
  One lit -- tle stone went in the sling,
  And the slign went round and round,
  Round and round, and round and round,
  And round and round and round;
  One lit -- tle stone went up, up up!
  And the gi -- ant came tumb -- ling down.


%%% GUITAR %%%

gtrChords =     \transpose f ef {
  \chords {
  f2 c |
  f1 |
  f2 c2 |
  f1 |
f2 c |
  f1 |
  f2 c2 |
  f2 f:7 |
bf1 |
  bf1 |
  f1 |
  f1 |

  c1 |
  c1 |
  c1 |
  f1 |
f1 |
  f |
  f |
  bf |
f |
  f |
  bf2 c |
  f1 |

guitar = {
        \set chordChanges = ##f
        \set midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"
        \set minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-0.5 . 0.0)

%%% PIANO %%%
rhUpper =  \relative c'' {
\Key \melody
        \bar "|."

rhLower =  \relative c' {
        \bar "|."

lhUpper =  \relative c' {
        \bar "|."

lhLower =  \relative c' {
        \bar "|."

PianoRH = {
        \clef treble
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
        \context Staff <<
                \context Voice = "one" \rhUpper
                \context Voice = "two" \rhLower

PianoLH = {
        \clef bass
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
        \context Staff <<
                \context Voice = "one" \lhUpper
                \context Voice = "two" \lhLower

piano = {
        \context PianoStaff <<
                \set PianoStaff.instrument = #"Piano"
                \set PianoStaff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-2 . 2)
                #(set-accidental-style 'piano-cautionary)
                \context Staff = "upper" \PianoRH
                \context Staff = "lower" \PianoLH
>> }

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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