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Page Layout Help

From: Ted Fulk
Subject: Page Layout Help
Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 12:43:52 +0200

Hey everyone,


I have been typesetting some renaissance choir music with beautiful results, except for the overall page layout. It would be great if the manual could have some more information about page layout and complete working examples (i.e., not just a small code snippet that lacks context).


In the following example, I told \paper what I would like the bottom margin to be, but it always ignores it and prints almost to the bottom of the page.


Thanks in advance,



Here is the  example:


\include ""

    #(set-global-staff-size 18)

    #(set-default-paper-size "a4")


\paper {

    #(set-paper-size "a4")

   %linewidth = 165 \mm

    raggedbottom = ##t

    topmargin = 2\cm

    bottommaragin = 3\cm

   % aftertitlespace = 48\pt




\version "2.4.6"


\header {

                      title = "April is in My Mistress' Face"

                      composer = "Thomas Morley"

                      opus = "1558--1603"

                      tagline = "Cantica Nova Edition: 05/18/05"    



global = {

                                            \key g \dorian

                                            \time 4/4



soprano =  \relative c'' {



                      \set Staff.instrument = "S "


                      \clef treble


                                            d4 c8 bf c4 d bf c a2 r2 d4 d8 d d4 d ef c d2 a

                                            bf2 g4( bf) a2 d4 c8 bf c4 a bf c a2 r4 a4 bf8 a bf c d4 bf( a2) g2

                                            r4 bf4 d8 c d e f2 d4 ef4 ~ ef8 d8( c bf c2) bf2 r4 d4 c d ef2 d r4 d4

                                            bf4 d c2 bf2 d2 c2 d2( ~ d4 c bf a bf1) a4 d d d f1 r4 c c c

                                            ef2 ef bf4 g bf c d1 ~ d1 b1 r4 d4 d d

                                            f1 r4 c c c ef2 ef bf4 g bf c d1 ~ d b



                      \bar "|."



        \addlyrics {


        A -- pril is in my mis -- tress' __ face,

                      A -- pril is in my mis -- tress' face, my mis -- tress' __ face,

                      A -- pril is in my mis -- tress' face,

                      and Ju -- ly in her eyes hath __ place,

                      and Ju -- ly in her eyes,  her eyes hath __ place,

                      with -- in her bo -- som, with -- in her bo -- som is Sep -- tem __ ber,

                      but in her heart, but in her heart, her heart a cold De -- cem -- ber,

                      but in her heart, but in her heart, her heart a cold De -- cem -- ber.




alto =  \relative c''


                                              \set Staff.instrument = "A "


                                              \clef treble


                                              bf4 a8 g a4 d, g4 a8( g fs e fs4) g2 r2 d4 d8 d g4 g g2 fs

                                              g r2 r2 bf4 a8 g a4 fs g g fs2 r4 f4 g8 f g a bf4 g( fs2) g

                                              r4 f bf bf a8 bf( c a) bf4 g f2. f4 f2 r4 bf a bf2 a4 bf2 f

                                              g4 f f2 f2 bf a bf( ~ bf4 a g fs g1) fs R1 r4 a a a

                                              c2 g g g f4 d g2(~g4 fs8 e fs2) g4 g g g bf2 bf

                                              a1 r4 a4 a a c2 g g g f4 d g2(~g4 fs8 e fs2) g1


            \bar "|."





                                            A -- pril is in my mis -- tress' __ face,

                                            A -- pril is in my mis -- tress' __ face,

                                            A -- pril is in my mis -- tress'  face,

                                            and Ju -- ly in her eyes hath __ place,

                                            and Ju -- ly in her __ eyes, her eyes hath place,

                                            with -- in her bo -- som, with -- in her bo -- som is Sep -- tem __ ber,

                                            but in her heart, her heart a cold De -- cem __ ber,

                                            but in her heart, her heart, but in her heart, her heart a cold De -- cem __ ber.







tenor =  \relative c'


                                            \set Staff.instrument = "T "

                                            \clef "treble_8"



                                            R1 R1 r2 bf4 a8 g a4 bf c g( a1)

                                            g2 d'4 c8 bf c4 d bf bf a d d ef d1 R1 r2 r4 bf

                                            d8 c d e f4 bf, c2 bf4 c4(~c8 bf) bf2( a4) bf2 r4 bf4 f' d c2 bf bf

                                            g4 bf2 a4 bf2 f'~f f d1~d d2 r4 d4 d d f2~f f2

                                            c1 r2 g2 bf bf a1 g2 r4 g4 g g d'2

                                            d f~f f c1 r2 g2 bf bf a1 g





                      A -- pril is in my mis -- tress' __ face,

                      A -- pril is in my mis -- tress' face, my mis -- tress' face,

                      and Ju -- ly in her eyes hath place, her eyes __ hath __ place,

                      with -- in her bo -- som, with -- in her bo -- som is Sep -- tem -- ber,

                      but in her heart, her heart a cold De -- cem -- ber,

                      but in her heart, but in her heart a cold De -- cem -- ber.




                      bass =  \relative c'


                                            \set Staff.instrument = "B "


                                            \clef bass

                                            R1 R1 r2 g4 fs8 e fs4 g c, ef d1

                                            r2 bf'4 a8 g a4 fs g g c, d g c, d1 R1 r4 d4 ef8 f g a

                                            bf2 bf f g4 ef f1 bf, R1 r2 bf2

                                            ef4 bf f'2 bf,1 f'2 d g1~g d r4 d4 d d f1

                                            r4 c4 c c ef2. ef4 bf2. c4 d1 g,~g

                                            r4 d'4 d d f1 r4 c4 c c ef2. ef4 bf2. c4 d1 g,

                                            \bar "|."







                      A -- pril is in my mis -- tress' face,

                      A -- pril is in my mis -- tress' face, my mis -- tress' face,

                      and Ju -- ly in her eyes hath place, her eyes hath place,

                      with -- in her bo -- som is Sep -- tem -- ber,

                      but in her heart, but in her heart a cold De -- cem -- ber,

                      but in her heart, but in her heart a cold De -- cem -- ber.



\score {



        \context ChoirStaff


                \context Voice = sopranos { \soprano }

                \context Voice = altos { \alto }

                                            \context Voice = tenors { \tenor }

                \context Voice = basses { \bass }








         \layout {


            \context {


                \override BarNumber #'padding = #3

                % Moves Measure Numbers up a bit.







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