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scm functions scope and arguments

From: VSD
Subject: scm functions scope and arguments
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 13:50:35 +0200
User-agent: Opera M2/8.01 (Win32, build 7642)


I've made a set of scheme functions to simplify the use of custom fret diagrams in scores. Here is a sample file of how it works:

%%%%%%%%% start of sample file

\version "2.5.31" % Win XP

#(def-markup-command (E-one layout props arg) (markup?)
          (cons '((thickness . 0.8) (size . 1.05)) props)
    (make-fret-diagram layout (car definition-list) (cdr definition-list)))

  \new Staff
    a4^\markup \E-one "" b c d

%%%%%%%% EOF

This code works fine as long as E-one is defined inside the file "fret-diagrams.scm" (without the starting "#"). But if I define it outside that file (e.g. in the calling ly file as in the given example), then lilypond complains:

"ERROR: Unbound variable: fret-parse-definition-string"

It somehow doesn't find the definition of this function (which is defined inside "fret-diagrams.scm" too).

Does anybody know how to succesfully define and use the function E-one outside "fret-diagrams.scm", e.g. inside an auxiliary private file named "fret-diag-utils.scm"?

This way I wouldn't need to "dirty" the installed "fret-diagrams.scm" file, so I wouldn't have to update it after each intermediate lilypond upgrade.

Yet one more thing: How could I define the E-one function so it takes no arguments?

I've tried

#(def-markup-command (E-one layout props)

but this doesn't work:

"ERROR: In procedure memoization:
ERROR: Missing expression in (define-private (E-one-markup layout props))"

The goal is to call \E-one instead of \E-one ""

Any hints appreciated. Thanks in advance,


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