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Re: 2 voices + lyrics + chords

From: Rob Vlasaty
Subject: Re: 2 voices + lyrics + chords
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 11:55:50 -0500

I took a look at your file and changed it a little.  See if this is more of 
what you were looking for.  In the /score, I printed the chords first, then a 
staff which combines both voices together, then the lyrics.  I also added 
/stemUp and /stemDown to your notes.  This is more how I've been used to doing 
things, and I'm sure there are probably better ways, too.


\version "2.6.0"

        title = "Vogelschau"
        poet = "T: Stefan George (1869-1933)"
        composer = "M: Heinrich Steinhöfel (Heinpe)"
%       instrument = "2 voc + git"
        source = "Liederblätter deutscher Jugend, Heft 3, Heidenheim 1954, 
        maintainer = "Henning Hraban Ramm"
        maintainerWeb = "";
        lastupdated = "2005-07-11"

global = {
        \clef treble
        \key a \major
        \time 4/4

akkorde = \chordmode {
        a1 | a4 e a2 | d2 e:7 | a1
        d | a | e:7 | a
        e:7 | a

oberstimme = \relative {
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
        \stemUp e4. cis8 e4 a |
        a b cis a |
        fis8 fis fis fis d'4 d |
        cis2 r |
        \repeat volta 2 {
                fis,4. gis8 a4 b |
                cis a e e |
        \alternative {
                { e8 e e gis b4 gis |
                a2 r }
                { e8 e e gis b4 gis |
                a2 r }

unterstimme = \relative {
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "viola"
        \stemDown e4. cis8 e4 a |
        a gis8 fis e4 cis |
        fis8 fis fis fis fis4 gis |
        a2 r |
        \repeat volta 2 {
                fis4. gis8 a8 gis fis e |
                e4 fis8 d cis4 cis |
        \alternative {
                { e8 e e gis b4 c |
                cis2 r }
                { e,8 e e gis gis4 e |
                a2 r }

stropheEins = \lyricmode {
        \set stanza = "1. "
        Wei4. -- ße8 Schwal4 -- ben | sah ich flie -- gen, |
        Schwal8 -- ben schnee- und sil4 -- ber -- | weiß,1 |
        sah4. sie8 sich4 im | Win -- de wie -- gen |
        in8 dem Win -- de hell4 und | heiß,1
        in8 dem Win -- de hell4 und | heiß.1

stropheZwei = \lyricmode {
        \set stanza = "2. "
        Bun -- te Hä -- her | sah ich hüp -- fen, | 
        Pa -- pa -- gei und Ko -- li -- | bri,
        durch die Wun -- der -- | bäu -- me schlüp -- fen
        in dem Wald der Tus -- fe -- | ri, |
        in dem Wald der Tus -- fe -- | ri.

stropheDrei = \lyricmode {
        \set stanza = "3. "
        Gro -- ße Ra -- ben | sah ich flat -- tern, | 
        Doh -- len schwarz und dun -- kel -- | grau,
        nah am Grun -- de | ü -- ber Nat -- tern, | 
        im ver -- zau -- ber -- ten Ge -- | hau, |
        im ver -- zau -- ber -- ten Ge -- | hau.

stropheVier = \lyricmode {
        \set stanza = "4. "
        Schwal -- ben seh ich | wie -- der flie -- gen, | 
        schnee- und sil -- ber -- wei -- ße | Schar,
        wie sie sich im | Win -- de wie -- gen, | 
        in dem Win -- de kalt und | klar, |
        in dem Win -- de kalt und | klar.

% Papier-Ausgabe
\score {
                \context ChordNames {
                        \set chordChanges = ##t
                        \context Staff = "Top" 
                                \context Voice = "eins"  \oberstimme
                                \context Voice = "zwei"  \unterstimme           

                                \lyricsto "eins" \new Lyrics {
                                \lyricsto "eins" \new Lyrics {
                                \lyricsto "eins" \new Lyrics {
                                \lyricsto "eins" \new Lyrics {

        \layout { 
                indent = 0\cm

\score { \unfoldRepeats {
        \context Staff = one <<
                \context ChordNames {
                        \set chordChanges = ##t
                \context Voice = ober {
                        \voiceOne <<
                \context Voice = unter {
                        \voiceTwo <<
        \context Lyrics = stropheEins \lyricsto ober \stropheEins
        >> }
        \midi{ \tempo 4=80 }

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