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Re: 2 voices + lyrics + chords

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: 2 voices + lyrics + chords
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 12:39:40 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050319

Rob Vlasaty wrote:
I took a look at your file and changed it a little.  See if this is more of 
what you were looking for.  In the /score, I printed the chords first, then a 
staff which combines both voices together, then the lyrics.  I also added 
/stemUp and /stemDown to your notes.  This is more how I've been used to doing 
things, and I'm sure there are probably better ways, too.

You may want to use \voiceOne instead of \stemUp and \voiceTwo instead
of \stemDown, to set the direction not only of stems but also of slurs,
ties, and some other things.

(This is exactly what is done automatically when you use
<< {...} \\ {...} >>
instead of
<< {...} {...} >>
see the manual)



\version "2.6.0"

        title = "Vogelschau"
        poet = "T: Stefan George (1869-1933)"
        composer = "M: Heinrich Steinh&ouml;fel (Heinpe)"
%       instrument = "2 voc + git"
        source = "Liederbl&auml;tter deutscher Jugend, Heft 3, Heidenheim 1954, 
        maintainer = "Henning Hraban Ramm"
        maintainerWeb = "";
        lastupdated = "2005-07-11"

global = {
        \clef treble
        \key a \major
        \time 4/4

akkorde = \chordmode {
        a1 | a4 e a2 | d2 e:7 | a1
        d | a | e:7 | a
        e:7 | a

oberstimme = \relative {
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin"
        \stemUp e4. cis8 e4 a |
        a b cis a |
        fis8 fis fis fis d'4 d |
        cis2 r |
        \repeat volta 2 {
                fis,4. gis8 a4 b |
                cis a e e |
        \alternative {
                { e8 e e gis b4 gis |
                a2 r }
                { e8 e e gis b4 gis |
                a2 r }

unterstimme = \relative {
        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "viola"
        \stemDown e4. cis8 e4 a |
        a gis8 fis e4 cis |
        fis8 fis fis fis fis4 gis |
        a2 r |
        \repeat volta 2 {
                fis4. gis8 a8 gis fis e |
                e4 fis8 d cis4 cis |
        \alternative {
                { e8 e e gis b4 c |
                cis2 r }
                { e,8 e e gis gis4 e |
                a2 r }

stropheEins = \lyricmode {
        \set stanza = "1. "
        Wei4. -- &szlig;e8 Schwal4 -- ben | sah ich flie -- gen, |
        Schwal8 -- ben schnee- und sil4 -- ber -- | wei&szlig;,1 |
        sah4. sie8 sich4 im | Win -- de wie -- gen |
        in8 dem Win -- de hell4 und | hei&szlig;,1
        in8 dem Win -- de hell4 und | hei&szlig;.1

stropheZwei = \lyricmode {
        \set stanza = "2. "
Bun -- te H&auml; -- her | sah ich h&uuml;p -- fen, | Pa -- pa -- gei und Ko -- li -- | bri,
        durch die Wun -- der -- | b&auml;u -- me schl&uuml;p -- fen
        in dem Wald der Tus -- fe -- | ri, |
        in dem Wald der Tus -- fe -- | ri.

stropheDrei = \lyricmode {
        \set stanza = "3. "
Gro -- &szlig;e Ra -- ben | sah ich flat -- tern, | Doh -- len schwarz und dun -- kel -- | grau, nah am Grun -- de | &uuml; -- ber Nat -- tern, | im ver -- zau -- ber -- ten Ge -- | hau, |
        im ver -- zau -- ber -- ten Ge -- | hau.

stropheVier = \lyricmode {
        \set stanza = "4. "
Schwal -- ben seh ich | wie -- der flie -- gen, | schnee- und sil -- ber -- wei -- &szlig;e | Schar, wie sie sich im | Win -- de wie -- gen, | in dem Win -- de kalt und | klar, |
        in dem Win -- de kalt und | klar.

% Papier-Ausgabe
\score {
                \context ChordNames {
                        \set chordChanges = ##t
\context Staff = "Top" <<
                                \context Voice = "eins"  \oberstimme
                                \context Voice = "zwei"  \unterstimme           

                                \lyricsto "eins" \new Lyrics {
                                \lyricsto "eins" \new Lyrics {
                                \lyricsto "eins" \new Lyrics {
                                \lyricsto "eins" \new Lyrics {

\layout { indent = 0\cm

\score { \unfoldRepeats {
        \context Staff = one <<
                \context ChordNames {
                        \set chordChanges = ##t
                \context Voice = ober {
                        \voiceOne <<
                \context Voice = unter {
                        \voiceTwo <<
        \context Lyrics = stropheEins \lyricsto ober \stropheEins
        >> }
        \midi{ \tempo 4=80 }

%%% Local Variables:
%%% coding: utf-8
%%% End:

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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