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Re: Markup over last barline

From: Hans Aberg
Subject: Re: Markup over last barline
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 00:17:57 +0200

On 14 Aug 2005, at 23:20, Graham Percival wrote:

I have already seen it. The lines
  \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #right
     \mark "D.S. al Fine "
generate the error:
 Processing `/Users/foo/Music/LilyPond/'
Parsing...<unnamed port>: In expression ’self-alignment-X:
<unnamed port>: Unbound variable: ’self-alignment-X

But if I ignore what the manual says, I can get it printed over the last barline. Confusing, though.

If an example from the manual doesn't work, I consider it a serious bug. I just checked this example on 2.7.5, and it works; what version are you using?

I used 2.7.4-1, the latest available download.

you copy the whole example?

I tried to embed various forms of it into my own code. The variation that works for me looks like:

\score {
\new Staff <<
\relative {
  \tempo 4 = 144
  \key e \minor
  \time 7/16
  #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 7 16) 4 16)
  % ...
  \repeat volta 2 {
    fis8.\trill^\markup { \italic "Accordion" }
      a16  g16 fis e  | dis8.\trill fis16  e dis c |
    b16 c dis8\trill  c16 b a   | b16 c dis e  fis8\trill b,16 |
    fis'8.\trill a16  g16 fis e | dis8.\trill fis16  e dis c |
    b16 c dis8\trill  c16 b a   | b8.\trill fis16  b8\trill
     \once \override Score.RehearsalMark
       #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible
\mark \markup { \center-align {\italic "D.C." \italic "al Fine" } }
  \key e \minor

Forms looking more like in the manual didn't work when I tried.

How do I get it printed under the barline?

I think that you'd need to use a text script for that, but you should be able to
use a similar trick to right-align the text script.

See chapter 9 for info on how to do this kind of fancier stuff.

Thanks for the info. I think though that it is not uncommon to have D.C. and D.S. under the barline. For example, "Tico-Tico" by Abreu puts "D.S. al Fine" in columns under the barline, and the sign above the it. Hindemith, "Elementary Training", also puts it below (though not directly under the barline).

  Hans Aberg

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