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Re: alignment of text in TextSpanner

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: alignment of text in TextSpanner
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 14:54:08 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511

Assuming that you mean vertical alignment throughout, I now understand
why you complained about alignment on the letter 'd'.
Maybe it helps to use a trick similar to


address@hidden wrote:
What version of lilypond are you using?  I just tried this in 2.7.8 and

it looks
ok to me... what exactly is the problem with the alignment?

- Graham

Sorry, I've forgot: lilypond 2.7.10 in macos 10.4.2
BTW, the discussion now is about another problem (that I wanted to send to
the list after this one...).
My problem is about the horizontal alignment of the edge text: if you take
the line with the arrow as reference, you'll see the word "s. p." is aligned
with the center of the letter "p", while the word "ord." is aligned with
the center of the letter "d". Another way to say is that one: the edge text is aligned calculating the
middle point of the vertical space of the word, but the letter "d" normally
is not aligned like the letter "p", this last going down, while the other
is going up. If you have two edge texts with "small" letters, like "s m v a c e" and so
on, there is no problem, while if you start to use "big" letters, like "t
y p f h j k l b", lily put all those letters on the same line.
Sorry for this funny explanation...
So this problem is quite small, compared with the alignment of the words
with the note-heads, but I start to have lot of those indications, and this
lack of symmetry is really noticeable.

Thanks and best regards,


lilypond-user mailing list

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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