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Re: Question about key specification ...

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: Question about key specification ...
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 13:43:19 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511

Ayhan Üretmen wrote:

two questions hope u can help (could not find any info about it in the manual, using lilypond 2.6.3):

- can anybody tell me if its possible to put a small number over a 'b' or a '#' in the key specification. This is necessary because i am writing oriental music which uses quarter tones.

It's possible to do it by drawing the full key signature manually using
text markup commands.  The following example illustrates the procedure:

\version "2.6.0"

% Markup to imitate an ordinary E major signature
keysig=\markup{\raise #2 \sharp \hspace #-1.1
              \raise #0.5 \sharp \hspace #-1.1
          \raise #2.5 \sharp \hspace #-1.1
              \raise #1.0 \sharp \hspace #-1.1 }

% Same key signature estended with a "5" above the c sharp.
keysigwithnum=\markup{\raise #2 \sharp \hspace #-1.1
              \combine \raise #4 5 \raise #0.5 \sharp \hspace #-1.1
          \raise #2.5 \sharp \hspace #-1.1
              \raise #1.0 \sharp \hspace #-1.1

\score{\relative c'{
 % Ordinary key signature:
 \key e \major
 cis1 |

 % Prepare for the special key signatures:
 \override Staff.KeySignature #'print-function = #Text_interface::print

 % Imitate an ordinary key signature using markup:
 \override Staff.KeySignature #'text = #keysig
 \key e \major

 % Modified key signature:
 cis1 |  \override Staff.KeySignature #'text = #keysigwithnum
 \key e \major
 cis1 |

- if i write for example c16_3 -> is it possible to put a circle around the 3 below the note ??? i know that this is very specific but would be nice if its possible (little code example).

One option is to use a markup command, another option is to redefine
how fingerings normally are drawn. Both options are included in the
following example

\version "2.6.0"

\score{\relative c'{
c_\markup{\circle \finger "2"}
\override Fingering #'print-function
 = #(make-stencil-circler 0.1 0.25 Text_interface::print)


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