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incipit index help

From: Aaron Mehl
Subject: incipit index help
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2005 16:42:17 -0700 (PDT)

Hi all,
A friend of mine who is a python person wrote a script
to create and index file from aprox the first 25 notes
of each lilypond file in a directory and dump them
into a lilypond file.

There are some problems such as what to do with
\repeats and \breaks but I resolved to edit the
resulting file manually.

my attempt at this has failed because I keep getting
an error that my {} aren't matching.
But look as hard as I can I just can't catch the

If anyone is interested in the script I can post it to
a site on the net.

but here is the file that it generated after I removed
the repeats and breaks.

\version "2.7.6"

\paper {
  #(define dump-extents #t)

  linewidth = 160\mm
  indent = 0\mm
#(set-global-staff-size 14 )
\layout { raggedright = ##t }

\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble

    \partial 8 e'8
        a'4 gis'8 f' e'4. e'8 |
        gis'16 gis'8. ~ gis'4. e'8 gis' b' |
        \time 3/4 a' gis' f'4. e'8 |
        d'2 r8 e'  |
        \time 4/4 a'4. b'8 c''4 b'8 a' |
        \time 3/4 gis'2. |
        \time 4/4 a'4. b'8 c'' b' d''16 c'' b' a' |
        gis'4. f'8 e'4. e'8 |
        e' f' gis'4
\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble

    b4 b\override Script #'padding = #1  dis'\turn c'8
b |
        e'1 |
        fis'4 g' a' fis' |
        g'1 |
        fis'4 g'8 a' g'4 fis' |
        e'4 fis'8 g' fis'4 e'|
        b4 b dis'\turn cis'8 dis'|
        b4 b dis'\turn c'8 b |
        e'1\grace e'8 |
        fis'4 g' a' fis' |
        g'1\grace g'8 |
        fis'4 g'8
\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble

    b8 e' g' b' ais' b' g' b' |
        ais' b' g' b' a' g' fis' e' |
        r d'' cis'' b' ais' g' fis' e' |
        ais' cis'' b'2. |
        r8 e' g' b' ais' b' g' b' |
        ais' b' g' b' a' g' fis' e' |
        r g' a' b' a' g' fis' e' |
        fis' g' e'2 ~ e'8 b' |

%repeat goes here
        e''4. d''8\prall e''4. d''8\prall |

        \time 4/4 g'' fis'' e''4. d''8 cis'' d'' |
        \time 3/4 e'' d'' cis''4. b'8 |
        cis'' b' ais'4. g'8 |
        \time 4/4 ais' b' cis'' b' ais'\prall g' fis' e' |
        ais' cis'' b'2.
        e''4. d''8\prall e''4. d''8\prall |

        \time 4/4 g'' fis'' e''4. d''8 cis'' d'' |
        \time 3/4 e'' d'' cis''4. b'8 |
        cis'' b' ais'4. g'8
\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble

    \partial 8 b8 
        e'2 fis'16 e'8. fis'16 e'8.\grace e'8 |
        dis'4. dis'8 b2 |
        dis'16 b8. g'16 fis'8.\turn e'4. b16 b16  |
        \time 3/4 e'4 e'2 |
        \time 4/4 fis'16 e'8. fis'16 e'8. dis'4 b4
\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble

    \partial 8 b8 |
        g'4 e' e' e'8\tenuto b |
        g'4 e'4 e'8 fis'16 e'16 dis'8 b8 |
        dis'8 fis'  e'2 b4 |
        g' fis'8 e' fis'4 dis'8 b 
        dis' fis' e'2 b'4 
        ais'8. cis''16  b'4 b' b'8. b'16 |
        ais'8. cis''16
\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble

    \partial 8 d''8 |
d''8\override Script #'padding = #1 g''8\fermata r8
d''8 \grace { b'16([ c''16 d''16 e''16 ]) } d''4. b'8
\times 2/3 {b'8 d''8 c''8 } b'4. a'8 g'4 |
\grace d''8 d''8 g''8 r8 d''8 \grace { b'16([ c''16
d''16 e''16 ])  } d''4.
\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble

    \partial 8 d''8 |
d''8\override Script #'padding = #1 g''8\fermata r8
d''8 \grace { b'16([ c''16 d''16 e''16 ]) } d''4. b'8
\times 2/3 {b'8 d''8 c''8 } b'4. a'8 g'4 |
\grace d''8 d''8 g''8 r8 d''8 \grace { b'16([ c''16
d''16 e''16 ])  } d''4.
\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble

    \partial 8 b'8 |
        e''2 b'4. b'8 |
\time 3/4 c''16 b' a'8 b'4. a'16 a'|
        b'2 a'4 |
        \time 2/4 a'8\prall b'16 a' g'8 fis' |
        \time 3/4 g'2 b'8 b' |
        b'4. c''16 b' ais'   b' \grace { \stemDown b'16[
ais'] } \stemUp c'' ais'  
        \time 2/4 fis'8 dis' r dis'16 dis' |
        \time 3/4 dis'8 c'\prall b4 r8 b16 b |
        b4 c'32
\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble

    e'2 g'8 e' b e' |
        g'2 g' |
        g' a'8 g' e' g' |
        a'2 a' |
        a'4 b' g'2 |
        g'4 a' \afterGrace e'2 {e'8} |
        a'2 g'8. fis'16 e'8 fis' |
        g'1 |
        e'2 g'8 e' b e' |
        g'4. a'8 g'2 |
        g' a'8 g' e' g' |
        a'4 b'8 a' a'2 |
\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble

    \partial 8 b8 
        e'2 g'8 e' b e' |
        g'4 g'8. a'16 g'2\grace e'8  |
        g'2 a'8 g' e' g' |
        a'4. b'8 a'2 |
        a'4 b'\prall  g'2 |
        g'4 a'\prall  e'2 \grace e'8  |
        a'4 a'  g'8. fis'16 e'8. fis'16 |
        g'2 \afterGrace b2
\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble

    \partial 4 b4 |
        e'4. dis'16 dis' e'4. dis'16 dis'16  |
        e'4. fis'8 g'4. b8 |
        e'4. dis'16 dis' e'4. dis'16 dis'  |
        e'4. fis'8 g'4. e'8 |
        \time 3/4 g'4 fis' e'16 e'8. |
        fis'4 e' dis' |
        e'2 fis'4 |
        \time 3/4 g'2
\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble

    \partial 4 b4 |
        e'4 fis'8 g'8 a'4 g'8 fis'  |
        \time 5/4  a'4 g' b e' r8 e'8|
        \time 4/4 e'4 fis'8 g' a'4 g'8 fis'  |
        a'4 g'  b e'|
        e'4 fis'8 g' a'4 b'8 a' |
        g'4 a'8 g' fis'4 g'8 fis'\grace fis'8|
        e'4 d' g' fis' |
\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble

    e'4 e''8 c'' b' a' b' c'' |
        a'4 a' a' a' |
        gis'8 a' b' c'' b' gis' a' f' |
        e'4 gis'4 gis' gis'4 \grace e'16 |
        a'8 gis' a' f' e' d' f' a' |
        d'4 d'8. d'16 d'4 d'4 \grace d''16 |
        d'' c'' b' a' b' a' gis' f' gis' f' e' d' gis' a'
gis' \afterGrace f' e' |
\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble

    \partial 8 e'8 |
        g'8. fis'16 e'4. fis'8 |
        g'8. fis'16 e'4. \times 2/3 { g'16. fis'32 e'16 } |
        g'4 b'4. b'8 |
        g'4 fis' a'8 fis' |
        a'4 a' a'8 fis' |
        a'4 a' a' |
        \time 4/4 b'16. a'32 g'16 fis' e'4 g'8 b'4
\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble

    \partial 4 e'4 |
        g' g' g' g' |
        fis'8 g' a' b' a' g' \grace g'16 fis'8 e'16 g' |
        fis'4 fis' fis' fis' |
        fis'8 b g' fis'\grace {fis'16} e'8 b e' fis' |
        g'4 g' g' g' |
        fis'8 g' a' b' \grace {b'16 } a'8 g' fis' e'16 g' |
%no tie on ornament please
        fis'4 fis'\grace fis'8 fis'4 b' |
        \grace { fis'16[ fis'] } fis'8 b g' fis' e' b e' fis'
%flip grace notes

        g'4 b'8 g' fis'[ \grace { \override Stem #'direction
= #-1
                                  g'16[ fis'16] 
                              \revert Stem #'direction
                              } e'16 fis'] g'8
\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble

    \partial 8 e'8
        a'4 gis'8 f' e'4. e'8 |
        gis'16 gis'8. ~ gis'4. e'8 gis' b' |
        \time 3/4 a' gis' f'4. e'8 |
        d'2 r8 e'  |
        \time 4/4 a'4. b'8 c''4 b'8 a' |
        \time 3/4 gis'2. |
\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble

    b4 b dis'\turn c'8 b |
        e'1 |
        fis'4 g' a' fis' |
        g'1 |
        fis'4 g'8 a' g'4
\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble
b8 g'8 e'4 e'4 e'8 b8 |
b8 g'8 e'4 e'4 dis'8 b8 |
dis'8 fis'8  e'2 b4|
g'4 fis'8 e' fis'4 dis'8 b8 |

% Bar 5
dis'8 fis'8 e'2. |
\score {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "oboe"
    \time 4/4
    \key e \minor
    \clef treble

    \partial 8 e'8
        a'4 gis'8 f' e'4. e'8 |
        gis'16 gis'8. ~ gis'4. e'8 gis' b' |
        \time 3/4 a' gis' f'4. e'8 |
        d'2 r8 e'  |
        \time 4/4 a'4. b'8 c''4 b'8 a' |
        \time 3/4 gis'2. |
        \time 4/4 a'4. b'8 c'' b' d''16 c'' b' a' |
        gis'4. f'8 e'4. e'8 |
        e' f' gis'4

Can someone help me debug this.

Also I would appreciate a suggestion what to do with
the repeats. It looks stupid to remove the repeat if
the actual score has one, but lilypond needs the final
bracket and if I add it the repeat will end in the
wrong place.


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