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Re: help needed with installation, fedora core 4

From: dax2
Subject: Re: help needed with installation, fedora core 4
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 15:20:45 +0200

On Sat, 15 Oct 2005 20:16:17 -0700
David wrote:

>  > sudo rpm -U /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/ghostscript*8.15.1*
> error: Failed dependencies:
> is needed by (installed) ImageMagick-
> is needed by (installed) gimp-print-4.2.7-7.i386
> Again, any advice would be appreciated.

The message means that "rpm -U <pkg> should remove the files
listed; but because they are needed by ImageMagick and gimp-print
the RPM program will not do that until you force it (e.g. using
the --nodeps flag. I do not recommend this for beginners though
I almost always do so myself).

Managing shared libraries is definitely not for beginners and
in my opinion not very exciting. You may run into the above problem
if our Lily-RPM does not have exactly and

Maybe there could be made some symlinks, but we don't know when
you install Lily, because it has not built into the package information
that it may happily replace and with symlinks
(in MS-lingo called short-cuts) from the new, backwards compatible

In your case I would consider finding out what package needs the
current lib-files, so that you can re-establish ImageMagic(k?) and
Gimp-print if you need them.

   rpm -qf /usr/lib/


My system says that my belongs to ghostscript-gnu-8.16

Now, if I had a (more or less stupid) program which insists on I could make a symlink with a command like this:

    ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

Assuming that is backwards compatible with 7!

The naming of libraries and symlinks representing those libraries
to older versions and the information in the libraries regarding
versions for each function is a chapter for more advanced users,
I never really needed it, doing the above exercises and then testing
whether the program will run afterwards (we are not talking about
secure servers here:-)

I am not sure but I think that ldconfig helps me in most cases
making these symlinks automatically (see man-page for ldconfig,
the section named "Description":
       ldconfig creates the necessary links and cache 
       to the most recent shared libraries found in the 
       directories specified on [...cut]

However, in some cases RedHat has made programs link against funny
version-numbers meaning that a home-rolled packagde needed to
coexist with manual symlinks or even manually saved/restored libraries,
as was the case with my libssl (updated for security reasons).

So I have, in order to satisfy some RedHat version of minor interest:

root           19 Jun 16  2004 /lib/ ->
root       800103 Sep 27  2002 /lib/
root           15 Sep 28  2002 /lib/ ->

(Note: The "old" file is named so only to remind me that I have this
odd construction:-) This is the best I can do - not directly relevant
for your problem, I know, sorry.

Hope this can help you a little - otherwise yell again.

dax2-tele2adsl:dk --  Donald Axel

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