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Question [uncomprehensible error]

From: Bernhard Haak
Subject: Question [uncomprehensible error]
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 21:58:36 +0200 (CEST)

Hello swamp residents,

I get the following error message on my very first test lilypond piece:

# -*-compilation-*-

Changing working directory to `C:/somewhere'
Processing `C:/somewhere/'
Parsing... E:/Programme/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/2.6.3/ly/ error: syntax error, unexpected $end (apply ly:make-book $defaultpaper $globalheader toplevel-scores)))

Can anybody explain to me what kind of error might be hidden behind?
I add the error-producing file (sorry for its lenght!),


------------------------------------- snip ----------------

  title = "In darkness let me dwell"
  composer = "John Dowland"
  arranger = "Bernhard Haak"

\new Staff {
          \relative c'' { \clef treble
            % === Vorspiel
            s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1
            % === Einsatz
            e1~                     % In
            e2 f2~                  % dark-
            f2 e2~                  % ness
            e4 f4( g2 )             % let
            a,1~                    % me
            a2 gis4 r4              % dwell
            r2 s2                   % the
            b2 a4 g4~               % ground
            g4 f4 e4 e4             % shall sorrow
            e4 d8 c,8d2             % sorrow
            e1                      % be
            % === Zwischenspiel
            s1 s1
            % === 2. Einsatz
            d4 fis4 (g4) e4         % The roof di-
            b2. a4                  % spaire to
            c2 b2                   % bar all
            r4 d4 c4 b4~            % cheerful
            b8 d8 a2 gis4           % light from
            a1                      % me
            r2 e2                   % the
            g2. fis8 e8             % wall of
            fis2. fis4              % marble
            e2 g2                   % black that
            g2 f2~                  % moist-
            f2 e4 e4                % ened, that
            a1~                     % moist-
            a2 a2                   % ened
            gis2 r4 a4              % still shall
            bes2. c8 d8             % weepe __ __
            a2. a4                  % still shall
            gis1                    % weep
\addlyrics { In dark -- nesse let __ me dwell, the ground the ground shall sor -- row be; The roof __ di -- spaire to bar all cheer -- -- full light from me: The walls of __ mar -- ble black that moist -- ened that moist -- ened still shall wee -- -- p still shall weep }
 \new Staff {\clef "G_8"
   \set fingeringOrientations = #'(up right down)
  < a' e a >1
  << {e'2 f'2} \\ { <c'' c' a>1 }   >>
  << {f'4 e'4} \\ { <c'' a>2 } >> <b' e' c>2
  << {a'4 g'4 g'2~} \\ {<e g>2 <d b>2} >>
  << {g'4 g'4 fis'2} \\ {<e' a c>2 <d' d>2} >>
  << {<gis' e>2 a'2~} \\ {s4 c'4 c'4 b8 a8} >>
  << {a'4. b'16 gis'8 fis'8 gis'8 a'8 gis'4} \\ {<e e,>1} >>
   % == Einsatz Gesang
  <a' e' c' a,>2 a,4 b,4                       % In
  <c, a,>4 a,4 d2                              % dark
  <b, gis,>1                                   % nesse
  <c, a,>4 <d b,>4 << {<e e,>2} \\ {b,4 c,4~}>>% let
  << {<e f,>1} \\ {c4 b,8 a,8 c4~ <c d>4}  >>  % me
  <e b, e,>1                                   % dwell
  r2 <a' e'c a>2                               % the
  <g' e' e>2 <f' c a f>4 <e'~ c~ g~ e~ >4      % ground
  <e' c g e>4 <d' a d>4 <<{c b}\\{<a e e,>2}>> % shall sorrow
  << {a4 b8 c8 b4 a4} \\ {<f f,>1} >>           % sorrow
  <b gis e b, e,>1                             % be
  % == Zwischenspiel
  << {e'4 fis'4 g'4~ } \\ {<g e,>2.} >> <g' e'>4
  <g' b dis'>2 fis'4~ <fis' a>4
  % == 2. Einsatz
  << {fis'4 e'4 e'2} \\ {<g e e,>1} >>         % The roof di-
  << {e'4. e'8 dis'2} \\ {<b, e>1}>>           % spaire to
  << {gis4 a2 gis8 a8} \\ {<e' b e,>1} >>      % bar all
  << {b4~ b8 a8 s2} \\ {d4 f4 e4 d4} >>        % cheerful
  c,4.d8 b,4~ <e b,>4                          % light from
  a,2. a4                                      % me
  c2 r4 e4                                     % The
  <dis b>2 e2~                                 % walls of
  <e b>4 e4 dis2                               % marble
  << {c2. b4} \\ {<e' e>1} >>                  % black that
  << {<e' a,>2 f'2} \\ {c4 a4~ a4 b,4 } >>     % moist--
  <c g c,>2 c4 e4                              % ened, that
  < f'a f f,>2 c4 b4                           % moist
  << {c4 d'4 e'2~ } \\ {<e a,>2 s2} >>         % ened
  < e' b gis e>2 << {e4. g8} \\ {<a c,>4 e4    % still shall
  << {fis2 g2} \\ {<d' d>1} >>                 % weep
  <d' g d>4 << {<d' a>2.} \\ {g4 f2} >>        % still shall
  <d' b>4 <e'~ gis'>4 << {gis2} \\ {e8 d8 e4}>>% weep
  <a, a cis e a'>1


\version "2.5.25"  % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.

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