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Re: lyrics, "partial" alternative in repeat

From: Herczeg Olivér
Subject: Re: lyrics, "partial" alternative in repeat
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 15:06:36 +0100

2005-11-11, p keltezéssel 10.02-kor Herczeg Olivér ezt írta:
> hi alls,
> i'm beginner "lilyponder", and like to do like below; theres a 3 times
> repeated score, but thel lyrics are partially same only one part of them
> differ ..
>                             here's the first verse
> here comes the same part #1 here's the second verse here continues ..
>                             here's the third verse
> the end of repeat theres an alternative ending the score (works well)

well, i'm till beginner :P ; attaching the half-maded .ly, and waiting
for an idea - if any - to make Lyrics, like written above


ps: maybe the way i've tried wrong, than please correct me;-)
Üdv: PasiC, UHU-linux 1.2 (Rajt!)
ICQ: 331789851 |
--==O,O==-- UHU-HUB
My Japanese name is 三輪 Minawa (three circles) 一真 Kazuma (one reality)
\paper {
        raggedlastbottom = ##t

\header {
        title="Give me that old time religion"
%       subtitle="árvíztűrő tükörfúrógép"
        tagline = "Szerkesztette: Herczeg OlivĂŠr, GNU Lilypond 2.6.4"

\version "2.6.4"

global = {
        \key bes \major
        \time 2/2

sopranVerse = \relative c' {
        \context Voice = sVerse { f4 g | bes4 \slurDotted bes8( g) bes4. bes8 | 

sopranVerseLyricOne = \lyricmode {
        It was 
    \set ignoreMelismata = ##t % applies to "for"
        good for the He -- brew |

sopranVerseLyricTwo = \lyricmode {
% splitted part
                It will bring you out of |
% end

sopranVerseLyricThree = \lyricmode {
        It was
        \set ignoreMelismata = ##t % applies to "for"
        good for my dear old

sopranStartM = \relative c' {
        \partial 8*4 f8 f g4 |

sopranRepeated = \relative c' {
        \repeat "volta" 3 { bes'2 bes4. bes8 | g8 f4. bes8 bes bes4 | c2 c4. d8 
| c8 bes4. d8 d c4 |
                bes2 bes4. bes8 | g4 f2 d4 | f4. bes8 bes4 c | bes2
        f4. bes8 bes4 c }
        \alternative { { bes2 f8 f g4 } { \partial 2 bes2 } } \bar "|."

altM = \relative c' {
        \partial 8*4 d8 d d4
        \repeat "volta" 3 { f2 f4. f8 | d8 d4. d8 d d4 | ees2 ees4. ees8 | ees8 
d4. f8 f d4 |
                ees2 g4. g8 | g4 f2 d4 | d4. f8 e4 ees | d2
        \alternative { { d2 d8 d d4 } { \partial 2 d2 } }

sumLyrics = \lyricmode {
        Give me that old time re -- lig -- ion, give me that old time re -- lig 
-- ion, give me that
        old time re -- lig -- ion, it's good e -- nough for | me.
        good e -- nough for |
        { { me. Give me that } { me. } }

tenorM = \relative c {
        \partial 8*4 bes'8 bes bes4
        \repeat "volta" 3 { d2 d4. d8 | bes8 bes4. f8 f f4 | a2 a4. a8 | a8 
bes4. aes8 aes aes4 |
                g2 bes4. bes8 | d4 d2 bes4 | bes4. d8 c4 a | f2 
        \alternative { { f2 bes8 bes bes4 } { \partial 2 f2 } }

bassM = \relative c {
        \partial 8*4 bes8 bes bes4
        \repeat "volta" 3 { bes2 bes4. bes8 | bes8 bes4. bes8 bes bes4 | f'2 
f4. f8 | bes,8 bes4. bes8 bes bes4 |
                g2 g4. g8 | bes'4 bes2 f4 | f4. f8 c4 f | bes,2
        \alternative { { bes2 bes8 bes bes4 } { \partial 2 bes2 } }

\score {
        \context ChoirStaff
                \context Staff = sopranstaff
                        \context Voice = sopranos { \clef "G" \global 
\sopranStartM \sopranRepeated
%                               \context Voice = versussopran { \sopranVerseOne 
%                       \sopranMcont
                        \context Lyrics = LvOne
                        \context Lyrics = LpartoneS
                        \context Lyrics = LvTwo
                        \context Lyrics = LvThree
%               <<
%                       \context Voice = altos { \clef "G" \global \altM }
%               >>
%               <<
%                       \context Voice = tenors { \clef "G_8" \global \tenorM }
%               >>
%                       \context Lyrics = LpartoneT
%               <<
%                       \context Voice = basses { \clef "F" \global \bassM }
%               >>
        \context Lyrics = LpartoneS \lyricsto sopranos { \sumLyrics }
        \context Lyrics = LvOne \lyricsto sVerse { \sopranVerseLyricOne }
        \context Lyrics = LvTwo \lyricsto sVerse { \sopranVerseLyricTwo }
        \context Lyrics = LvThree \lyricsto sVerse { \sopranVerseLyricThree }
%       \context Lyrics = LpartoneT \lyricsto tenors { \sumLyrics }

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