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lyric syllable skipping a note -- why?

From: Eduardo Vieira
Subject: lyric syllable skipping a note -- why?
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 20:16:46 -0200

Hello users,

I've been struggling to set the lyrics correctly for this song. But I can't
assign the word "right" and the word "true" (2nd stanza) for the note "d2."
in this part: << { d2. } \\ { g,4.( f4.) } >>
This construct seems to mess up the lyrics flow and those words are put
under the next chord: <g e>8


Eduardo Vieira

P. S. Never mind the 2 ways of entering lyrics, I was just testing if it
would make a difference in this case.

Here's the code


\version "2.7.30"

#(set-global-staff-size 15)

\header {
 title = "Trust in the Lord"
 poet = "Paul W. Cook, b. 1907"
 composer = "George W. Blackwell, b. 1904"
 copyright = "Property of Geo. W. Blackwell & Paul W. Cook, 1930. Used by

\include ""

verseI= \lyricmode {
 \set stanza = "1."
Trust8 in8 the8 Lord,4. What4. priv8 -- i8 -- lege8 giv4. -- en!4.
O8 in8 this8 world4. fail4. not8 to8 live8 right2. .
Stand8 by8 His8 word4. with4. hope8 and8 de8 -- ci4. -- sion,4.
God8 will8 not8 leave4. you,4. trust8 in8 His8 might.4.

verseII= \lyricmode {
 \set stanza = "2."
Trust in the Lord; for -- get not His prom -- ise,
Heav -- en will pass ere it prove un -- true;
Sing mid your tri -- als, have faith in Je -- sus,
Trust in His grace suf -- fi -- cient for you.

staffSoprano = \new Staff  {
  \time 9/8
 \set Staff.midiInstrument="choir aahs"
 \key c \major
 \clef treble
 \context Voice = "melodySop" {
 \relative c'' { \autoBeamOff \partial 8*3 < g e >8 < fs ds > < g e > < e c
 < e g >4. < c' e, >8 < d e, > < c e, > < c f,>4. <a f> <c f,>8 <b f>
 <a f> <g e>4. < c e,>4.
 <e g,>8 <d g,> <c g>  << { d2. } \\ { g,4.( f4.) } >>
 < g e >8 < fs ds > < g e >
 < e c >4. <g c> <c e,>8 <d f,>8 <e g,>8 <f a,>4. <a, f> <a f>8 <c f,>
 <a f>
 <g e>4. <c e>4. <d f,>8 <c e,> <b d> <c e,>4. ~ <c e,>4.
 \bar "|."

staffTenorSaxophone = \new Staff  {
 \set Staff.midiInstrument="tenor sax"
 \key c \major
 \clef bass
 \relative c' {
 \partial 8*3 c8 c c g4. g g8 g g a4. c a8 a c c4. g
 c8 b c b2. c8 c c g4. c c8 c c c4. c c8 a c
 c4. c b8 g g g4.~ g4.
 \bar "|."


\score {
 \context ChoirStaff

  \context Lyrics = "lmelodySopLI" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "melodySop"
\verseI }
  \context Lyrics = "lmelodySopLII" \lyricmode  { \lyricsto "melodySop"
\verseII }


 \midi {

 \layout  {
  indent = 0.0\cm

\paper {
 #(set-paper-size "a5")

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