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Hiding ledger lines?

From: Geoff Horton
Subject: Hiding ledger lines?
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 15:24:11 -0500

I'm working on a piece that has two lines (soprano and alto) on the
same staff. The alto has a helf-rest where the soprano has music, and
because of the pitches in the soprano line, the alto rest is set on a
ledger line at middle C. I don't want it there; I want it sitting on
the e-line, so I moved it with an #'extra-offset. The ledger line is,
however, still plainly visible and unsightly. (The sample below is at
200% magnification to make it more obvious, but it's quite visible at
actual size.)

In checking the archives, I found a 2004 discussion that eventually
reached the conclusion that ledger lines aren't erasable. Is this
still the case? If so, is there another way to make this output look

\version "2.8.0"

soprano = \relative c'' {
  a4 a a a

alto = \relative c' {
  \once \override Rest #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 1.0) r2
  f4 f

\paper {
  ragged-right = ##t

\score {
  \context Staff <<
    \context Voice = one { \voiceOne \soprano }
    \context Voice = two { \voiceTwo \alto }

Attachment: ledger.png
Description: PNG image

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