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Cannot get the lyrics in polyphony

From: Riccardo Orfei
Subject: Cannot get the lyrics in polyphony
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 11:56:41 +0200

Hi all,

can somebody explain my mistake in coding the following example?

If I code the music like "nogood" I cannot get any lyrics.

I can only get the lyrics if I code the music like "good".


There is surely something I am missing...

\version "2.8.0"
\header { title = "Prova" }
\include ""
global = { \time 4/4}
nogood = \relative do'' {
    << { \stemDown do2 re8 mi8  fa8 sol8 } \\
       { \stemUp   mi2 fa8 sol8 la8 si8  } >> |
    << { \stemDown do1 } \\ { \stemUp sol1} >>
good = \relative do'' {
    < do mi >2 < re fa >8 < mi sol >8 < fa la >8 < sol si >8
    < do sol >1
voce = \lyricmode {
    ah oh eh ih ah oh
\score { <<
    \new Staff {
        \context Voice = nogood { \nogood }
        \context Voice = good   { \good   }
    \override Score.LyricText #'font-family = #'sans
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "good"    \voce
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "nogood"    \voce
   \layout { }
   \midi { \tempo 4=90 }

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