\version "2.6.3" global = { \clef "G_8" \key d \minor } preludemelody = \relative c' { % \global % \stemUp \set fingeringOrientations = #'(up up) r8 a' g a e g f e | f f e\trill f d d d e | % Need an A here cis2\trill r8 d cis8.\trill d16 | e8 g f\trill e g 8.\trill a'16 | % This is the portion I can't seem to get right. % << a8 a e g fis2\trill | r8 g d f e2\trill | r8 f8 f e d % \\ % { s2 g,8\rest d' a c % b2 g8\rest c g bes % a2 } % >> % Here ends the portion. bes'8 bes a | g f e8.\trill e16 e4 r16 g f e | d4~ d16 f e d cis4.\trill d8 | d1 | \bar "|." } preludeThirdVoice = \relative c'' { s1*4 | s2 g,8\rest d' a c | b2 g8\rest c g bes | a2 s | } preludebass = \relative c { % \global % \stemDown s1 | d'4 c b bes | r8 a e g f4 e8 d | cis4 a d8 c' bes4 | % Here is the portion in the bass voice. 4 cis' d,2 | c4\rest g' c,2 | % Here ends the portion. r8 4 ~ | g gis a | bes16 c bes a g4 2 | 1 | \bar "|." } prelude = \new Staff { << \global \new Voice { \voiceOne \preludemelody } \new Voice { \voiceThree \preludeThirdVoice } \new Voice { \voiceTwo \preludebass } >> } %\book { \header { title = "Suite IX" composer = "Robert de Visée" instrument = "Guitar" } \score { \header { piece = "Prelude" } \prelude \layout{} } %}