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Re: clef transposition: tenor -> bass

From: Kieren Richard MacMillan
Subject: Re: clef transposition: tenor -> bass
Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 09:53:52 -0400

Hi, Roman:

Perhaps the following example will make it clear...


\version "2.9.4"
\paper { ragged-right = ##t }

tromboneNotes = \relative c'
        c d es f

                \key c \major
                \clef tenor \tromboneNotes
                \clef bass \tromboneNotes
                \clef treble \tromboneNotes \transpose c fis { \tromboneNotes }


Notice how the notes themselves (captured in the variable named "tromboneNotes") are exactly repeated three times, but each time I've changed the clef that they are displayed in/with.

Then in the last bar, note how I've kept the clef the same (treble), but transposed the notes themselves (up a tritone) -- this is NOT what you want to do (I think).

In other words, always enter exactly the notes (i.e., concert pitches) you want, and then decide later (i.e., in the score or part) which clef to use to display those notes, or whether or not to transpose -- Lilypond will just "Do The Right Thing"! =)

Good luck,

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