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Re: avoid-slur for ties

From: Roland Goretzki
Subject: Re: avoid-slur for ties
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 00:38:11 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

Hello list, hello Mats,

Thanks for Your answer, but for me it is not exhaustive enough:

> Isn't it that if you specify the avoid-slur property of the Tie
> object, then slurs will avoid ties (not that ties will avoid scripts
> as you seem to think)?

Maybe I'm understanding it not quite correctly (my English isn't very
good, so it's almost hard work for me to understand the documentation,
and sometimes (after reading for inspiration) I've success with try and

In the case of avoid-slur I got the hint for this user-setable property
from a lilypond warning: warning: Ignoring grob for slur. avoid-slur not set?
      -^ ( f g f->)[5]

The simple code was:

  \relative c' {
    e4-^( f g f->)

So I read the documentation and was able to set some avoidings
concerning fingerings and staccato and so on.

For example, if I want slurs avoiding scripts, the following DOES WORK:

  \override Script #'avoid-slur = #'inside
  e4-^( f g f->)

so that the Script is inside the slur and not vice versa.

I only was irritated because of the following two reasons:

  1. Why do I get the warning from above for marcato, but not for

  2. This way I couldn't see the difference between #'outside and
     #'around ...

> Note that the avoid-slur property is set on a number of different
> objects by default, including Fingering, Accidental, DynamicText, Tie
> and several others.

I've regarded this, but in practice I got what I wanted to get, but for
slurs only and not for ties.

Now, concidering that I don't understand it the right way, could You or
someone else please explain with other words than those from the
documentation, how (and in which cases) to use the #'avoid-slur?

But the problem with ties remains:

  > > \relative c' {
  > >   r2
  > >   \override Script #'avoid-slur = #'inside
  > >   e-> ~ e->
  > >   \override Script #'avoid-slur = #'outside
  > >   e-> ~ e->
  > >   \override Script #'avoid-slur = #'around
  > >   e-> ~ e->
  > > }
  > >
  > >All results in the same, not very fine output.

I don't know, if You've had a look at this example, but the output is
really not good!
How is it possible to improve it generally and not by setting
extra-offset or padding in each case?

Thanks and Best Regards           Roland

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