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From: Palmer, Ralph
Subject: Markup
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 16:34:08 -0400

Greetings -

I've tried the User Manual, the Regression Tests, and looked in the
archives, but cannot find anything that will help me with this problem:

Running Version
I have a whole measure rest (in 2/4), with a fermata.
I'd like to include 2 pieces text above the staff, one piece of text
before the rest, one piece of text after the rest.

I've tried 

R1^\fermataMarkup \markup {  \right-align \italic {vln: "Sunnybank, New
Jersey."} } \markup{  \left-align "Around 1905" }

but I get errors on the first "\markup" and on "\italic". I've tried a
variety of space or no space before "\markup" (I'm still not familiar
with the syntax), with the same result. I also couldn't find any
information on how to tie a markup to a bar line (would that have

Thanks for your time and attention,


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