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Re: LSR Execution? Failure

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: LSR Execution? Failure
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 14:10:21 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.13) Gecko/20060417

Please, this is a very tedious method for your and everybody else to
help you debug .ly files for version 2.8, just because you only have
version 2.4 on your own machine.

I know you want to keep your installation of 2.4, but isn't there any
way for you to get access also to a recent version?

If your installation of LilyPond 2.4 is via a cygwin package, then you
can safely install the 2.8 package from It shouldn't
interfere with cygwin, unless you expicitly modify your $PATH so that
cygwin sees the 2.8 version that's installed in C:\Program Files\LilyPond\.

Regarding this specific file, I got a backtrace from Guile unless I removed
all lines that refered to stat:size or stat:mtime. Still, it doesn't compile
cleanly, but I don't have the time right now to look more into what you
are trying to do.


Fairchild wrote:

The ly file below doesn't function in the LSR environment.

                        - Bruce

%{ Display ly file information on the score, including file name, file size, LilyPond version, date processed, time processed, time last modified, and
 the LilyPond command line. %}
#( define comml    ( object->string ( command-line )))
#( define slashloc ( + ( string-rindex comml #\/ ) 1 ))
#( define commllen ( - ( string-length comml ) 2 ))
#( define filen    ( substring comml slashloc commllen ))
#( define siz      ( object->string ( stat:size ( stat filen ))))
#( define ver      ( object->string (lilypond-version )))
#( define dat      ( strftime "%m/%d/%Y" ( localtime ( current-time ))))
#( define tim      ( strftime "%T" ( localtime ( current-time ))))
#( define modt     ( stat:mtime ( stat filen )))
#( define modts    ( strftime "%m/%d/%Y %T" (localtime modt)))
                \header { dedication = \markup \column <
{ "- - - - - - Using Scheme \"define\"-  - - - - -" } % "
{ "File Name = "        \filen }
{ "File Size = "        \siz   }
{ "LilyPond Version = " \ver   }
{ "Date Processed = "   \dat   }
{ "Time Processed = "   \tim   }
{ "Last Modified = "    \modts }
{ "Command Line = "     \comml }
{ "" }
{ "- - - - - - Using \"ly:export\" - - - - - -" } % "
{ #( ly:export ( string-append    "File Name = "
               ( substring ( object->string ( command-line ))
( + ( string-rindex ( object->string ( command-line )) #\/ ) 1 ) ( - ( string-length ( object->string ( command-line )) ) 2 )))) }
{ #( ly:export ( string-append    "File Size = "
               ( object->string ( stat:size ( stat filen ))))) }
{ #( ly:export ( string-append    "LilyPond Version = "
               ( lilypond-version ))) }
{ #( ly:export ( string-append    "Date Processed = "
               ( strftime "%m/%d/%Y" ( localtime ( current-time ))))) }
{ #( ly:export ( string-append    "Time Processed = "
               ( strftime "%T" ( localtime ( current-time ))))) }
{ #( ly:export ( string-append    "Last Modified = "
               ( strftime "%m/%d/%Y %T"
               ( localtime ( stat:mtime ( stat filen )))))) }
{ #( ly:export ( string-append    "Command Line = "
               ( object->string ( command-line )))) }
        >       }
{ c''1_\markup { \column <
{ "- - - - - - In \"markup\" - - - - - -" } % "
{ "File Name = "        \filen }
{ "File Size = "        \siz   }
{ "LilyPond Version = " \ver   }
{ "Date Processed = "   \dat   }
{ "Time Processed = "   \tim   }
{ "Last Modified = "    \modts }
{ "Command Line = "     \comml }


lilypond-user mailing list

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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