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Re: Dash instead of 'm' for minor chords

From: Thibaut Chevalier
Subject: Re: Dash instead of 'm' for minor chords
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 23:10:42 +0700

Thanks, it works great !
I personnally prefer the minus sign which is a little shorter.

However, i had to write this complicated markup to obtain a correct "7 / b5" for semi-diminished chords (instead of the dashed circle).

<c ees ges bes>-    \markup { "-" \super {7/ \hspace #0.2 \teeny {\raise #0.3 \flat} 5} }    % C dashed circle -> C-7/5b

It seems that the \flat inside the \super does not behave like the rest of the text, and is bigger and to low than the usual superscript text, but I could not figure why, reading the Overview of Markup commands. Has anyone a clue ? ( ).


On 30/06/06, Vicente Solsona <address@hidden> wrote:
I use the same system as Shamus, but I use the dash simbol instad the
minus symbol, because I find it to be a bit more polite. So I have then:

jazzyChordsMusic =
   <c ees g>1-\markup {#(ly:export (ly:wide-char->utf-8 #x2013))} % Cm -> C-
   % and so on...

I have jazzyChordsMusic and jazzyChordsAdd in a separate ""
file, so everytime I want my custom chord names (well, always :) ), I just
include that file.



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